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Civil war in the UK

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Postby souroul » Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:54 pm

well i sure hope so. somebody has to kick blair's ass. i would hate to see the UK viewed as another US around the world. they can do better than that
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Postby saravakos » Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:25 pm

i think hes reffering to the muslim hate-preachers over here
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Postby rawk » Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:43 pm

I thought it was about Roundheads and Cavaliers! They chopped off King Charles 1st head off and Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector.

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English Civil War

Postby ukofamnesia » Thu Sep 28, 2006 8:31 pm

just like 'The Clash' predicted in their song of that name back in 1977 .
I think it will probably kick-off in my lifetime. I d give it 20 years at most.
It will probably take the form of EuroFeds against those preferring some sort of USA protectorate. But thats just the most likely major faultline.
Yankee troops will probably move in to impose 'law and order' and to forestall Sharia-law ghettos that could become 'training camps for terrorists'.
Obviously a lot of old scores will also be settled.
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Postby rawk » Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:44 pm

Euro Feds and Those wanting a US Protectorate?

What are you smoking?

The 5th largest economy in the world with well trained and combat exercised armed forces with experience in major combat, strong legal and political system, thousands of EU workers flocking in to take jobs, a well established history of absorbing foreign emigration.

Civil war? Or are you talking about the nutty Islamic beardies who will go the way of the IRA after quite a few get banged up for their lifetimes.

All very well blowing yourself to glory, its a bit of a pisser when its only Allah to talk to for 25 years in a cell while you're mates are getting laid!

Civil war? I don't think so.... Get some valium and have a nice lie down.

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Postby PaulUK » Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:10 pm

rawk wrote:Euro Feds and Those wanting a US Protectorate?

What are you smoking?

The 5th largest economy in the world with well trained and combat exercised armed forces with experience in major combat, strong legal and political system, thousands of EU workers flocking in to take jobs, a well established history of absorbing foreign emigration.

Civil war? Or are you talking about the nutty Islamic beardies who will go the way of the IRA after quite a few get banged up for their lifetimes.

All very well blowing yourself to glory, its a bit of a pisser when its only Allah to talk to for 25 years in a cell while you're mates are getting laid!

Civil war? I don't think so.... Get some valium and have a nice lie down.


LOL Get something to wake you up m8!

This country is going down the toilet quicker than a vindaloo!!

This country is at war because we have an american lapdog as a pm,bush says jump tony says "how high george"

While all the time we are inundated with and i quote "EU Nationals" who come here and work for minimum wages!

Next it will be the Bulgarians,they are champing at the bit to get here and what a bloody surprise our goverment cant wait too lol cheap labour!

Its ok for them the chances of us getting Bulgarian,Polish politicians to take there jobs for half the money are non existent!

No,no its people like me working class who are made to suffer,it does not filter up to them and i guess by your attitude you too.
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Postby rawk » Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:28 pm

Hi Mate

I wouldn't waste my time competing with Polish/Bulgarian/Romanian workers.

I'd fly out to Warsaw, Sofia, Bucharest etc, open up a British letting agency with links to my mates back home and the "To let" Ads locally, fix it up with the landlords and charge for accommodation arrangements.

They've got to have somewhere to stay when they arrive, don't they?

Play smart, every situation always has a profit margin. You don't want to be working class forever, do you?

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Postby ukofamnesia » Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:19 pm

PAULUK- You are making sense.

"Civil war? Or are you talking about the nutty Islamic beardies who will go the way of the IRA after quite a few get banged up for their lifetimes. "

I think many people, not just muslims, might come to regard sharia law as the lesser evil compared to a creaking
"criminal justice system" -especially those marooned on estates at the mercy of feral gangs. How many killers get banged up for their lifetimes? The IRA lot were released under the terms of the Good Friday agreement with some of their killers serving less than 2 years.

"The 5th largest economy in the world with well trained and combat exercised armed forces with experience in major combat, strong legal and political system,..."

The UK police "service"increasingly looks like a despised and already defeated colonial force occupying its own country. The undermanned, overstretched Uk army(supported by the US marines no doubt,)will tend to a shoot first ask questions later approach-as in Iraq.

"thousands of EU workers flocking in to take jobs, a well established history of absorbing foreign emigration.

A policy and history of creating an immigrant sub-proletariat in order to ensure the wages of the natives, many now in low paid "service industries" remain pegged to the floor, whilst salaries, bonuses and profits at the top soar to ever greater heights. The rich now get even richer buying up all the limited housing stock available and renting it out to the proles (and the new sub-proles flocking in), who are ever less able to afford to purchase their own homes. A double whammy for the working class Brits- who for mainly linguistic reasons are less able to escape this horrible fate than a generation or two ago!

But i dont expect you to understand Rawk, you re already beginning to sound like Tony Blair!
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Postby miltiades » Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:18 am


"""I think many people, not just muslims, might come to regard sharia law as the lesser evil ""

What ??? Here is another Brit who thinks from low down .Sharia law , dark ages , stoning people to death , and no bacon !!! What paper do you read ? If you read one that is.
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Postby rawk » Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:52 am

I'd rather sound like Tony Blair than Maggie Thatcher!

Funny how emigration which was always a right wing issue has now become a bug bear for the "working class", or are we talking BNP policies here?

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