by my_cyprus » Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:30 pm
Strahd to answer your question and the picture you have pasted in respond to my posting is this CYPRUS IN HISTORY HAS BECOME AN ISLAND OF MOTHERS BABY DADDIES MAYBE, the result of invasions and rules rapes murder and stealing of cyprus identity ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AS VOLTAIR SAID I DISAGREE WITH WHAT YOU SAY BUT I WILL DEFEND YOU WITH MY LIFE FOR YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT ....................................................................this is where we differ in our enlightment about far every coment you made has been a comment on divide and rule nothing at all positive regarding cyprus or cyprus future but then again why would one expect that from you lol anyway i proberbly wont have time to answer any more post today as iam traveling to england later on but i will definatly have alook tommorow at the internet cafe to see if there is a glimer of home that someone on this site will say something positive about cyprus intead of. waving turkish flags or greek flags when their football team has wan a game what a joke iam a cypriot and people are going to tell me iam greek or turkish i am cypriot and proud of it .......................what a shame the mentality here in the u k is even worse when it comes to cyprus as i have spoke with ambessoders and leaders of the sooo called community on both sides and i can assure you they are false they pretend to serve the cyprus couse but theyhave double standards they are turkish and greek worse then the cyprus population. in the work i do i deal with these people on a personal level and my personal experiance is that they are not worthy off representive even the most primitive so called tribes in amazon jungle let alone cyprus people. ......................... i chalange the whole cyprus forum here and now to point a finger ans whow me one self made millionaire from cyprus or england that has done something towards some kind of harmony between cyprus people these people aresupposed to represent us they represent ugly smell of self indulgance in the name of their mother lands not cyprus ......................................I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH GREECE OR TURKEY WHAT I DISAGREE WITH IS THEIR FOREIGHT POLICY REGARDING CYPRUS ................................................. HERES A QUESTION FOR THE FORUM WHAT HAS TURKEY OR GREECE DONE FOR THE PEOPLE OF CYPRUS???????????????????? OPPPSSSSSS SORRY I FORGOT TO MENTION THE PROPAGANDA THEY USED TO BRAIN WASH CYRIOT POPULATION.........................they got the greeks speaking and turkish speaking cypriots to spy on each other not to mention the crimes they commited towards each other instead of asking mainland turkey and greece to appologise to us for all the suffering they have caused cyprus most of the cypriots are happy to call themselves turkish or greek.......................little bit of present history regarding cyprus in the 1800s turkey gave cyprus to britain why??????? for their own national security they wanted britain to have bases there and protect them incase of russion invassion................second during the first world war britain wanted to give cyprus to greece if they joined the war on their side greece refused on the grounds it was to much of a high price to pay they refused on their national security ...................and yet cyprus does not belong to any of them they are passing us around like a parcel illigal even under international law ....................any port in a storm for all the empires who have invaded our cyprus when the flame of empire is about to be estinguished.................when i speak about cyprus i speak about my cyprus for the people of cyprus who in their hearts and souls are cypriots and understand the meaning of being a cypriot and proud of it and i know theres a few of us out there defending the freds of dignty thats left in our homeland cyprus if you concider yourself greek or turkish please dont waste your time to reply to this post if you are a cypriot and you have something to say then write away