Partition of the island is the only answer to the problem for both sides, independence for the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots alike. Both free to determine their own futures without outside political pressure, both having a part of the island to live in, in peace. The only stumbling block is how much Island they will each have, and of course the age old land issue.
First of all I don't agree, partition is not the way forward. It was specifically forbidden by the 1960 agreements and in fact no government on this planet has endorsed partition as the way forward with the exception of Turkey (and TRNC for completeness), which has also recently said she now supports the unification of the country.
Second isn't this as big a stumbling-block as negotiating for a unified Cyprus? How exactly are we going to agree on partition of the island? I've seen posts on this forum already discussing the issue and there didn't seem to be much agreement on the details of partition.
First an agreement to live in peace and to foster open trade right across the island, Open trade will heal many old wounds, the drive to do business for mutual advantage will make most people forget the past, Only those who seek power will keep the political pot boiling, not for the sake of the ordinary people but for their own political ends.
Absolutely agree here. To be honest though I don't think this is in dispute. There may be those that bask in controversy but the majority of people and politicians agree that open trade is beneficial, and this wqould of course happen if we were united under a BBF. Question is, how do we get there?
The politicians thrive on the Cyprus problem and they don’t want any change that gives up any of the power they currently hold, so change is not in their interests, After all its difficult to give up the throne once you are king. However the simple people need the changes and the security of self determination, they also need to feel secure, and the politicians play the oldest game in the world, keep the people at each others throats so they can maintain their power.
So here we go again 'self-determination', are we not all Cypriots?
If we believe that we are so different because of our Greek and Turkish heritage why not just join Greece and Turkey respe-ctively?