how on earth do you think the Greek Cypriots can insist on a split of 80:20 of the land ?
the North is the North and the south the south. i dont see why the Turkish Cypriots should hand over any of the land they now occupy, why should they ?
I don't see why they should hold onto that land purely based on their population especially if they are the ones that insist on partition. Simply stating that they should keep the land isn't an argument, what reasons do you cite?
As for partition not benifiting anyone , what you mean is it wont benifit you. and thas all you care about you !
bakala, just so you know, I now live in the UK and have made that my home. I have never owned land in Northern Cyprus and so would neither benefit or not benefit from any particular plan regarding property. To maintain that a partitioned Cyprus will function as well and grow economically as successfully as a unified Cyprus in the long term is just wrong.