junemichael wrote:You know Pantheman, the way you are so aggressive in your posts makes us wonder if you should have a dog at all. We were all just suggesting that you should think about going to a shelter to find what you are looking for because there are so many unhappy and unloved dogs needing homes and you might well find what you want there anyway. We cannot help caring about the animals of Cyprus, obviously not like yourself.
From an observers point of view, your posts have been at least as aggressive as panthemans, probably more so...
Just because he wants a particular type of dog, you feel you have the right to condemn him and say he doesnt care about animals?
Your first post questioned his desire for a Springer Spaniel, and told him to think again...
I know you do a lot of good work rescuing animals, and nobody can doubt your motivation, but you have no right to criticise someones own perfectly acceptable desires just because you have a few animals to rehome...
It would be like me saying you dont care about the environment because you live in a concrete house, with poor insulation...
I am as much against the cruelty to animals as people here as I have had 3 cats poisoned this year! 2 I brought from england, and 1 an adopted stray... but I wont give someone a hard time because they want to have and love a particular breed over a mongrel of potentially unsound breeding and poor upbringing....
It is you that needs to think again...