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For Lysi.

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For Lysi.

Postby The Microphone » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:47 pm

Lysi.......Without wishing to ignite previous debates........ i'd just like to say these few words..........

Since we last crossed swords I have done some more indepth investigating of my own, talking and thinking. I believe I have a greater understanding of the 'problem' as a result and many of the circumstances relating to it. But GC I am not. But I am part Irish, so it's not entirely lost on me.

So for the record... I never agreed the occupation was right, was insignificant and that land sale was correct.

In fact I am more than happy to side with you on your argument that the occupation is wrong, selling property and the sale of land is wrong, and i'll even say i understand why you dont want the british bases and why you feel justified to 'have a go at the Brits'. I would like to add though that we are not all the same and we aren't all to blame. There is/are good and bad everywhere, in everyone.

So.... in any post that isnt blatant Brit bashing just for the sake of it and in keeping with the aims of this forum and open debate, i'll support your views.

I hope you take this post the way it is intended. Time for a cup of Tea!
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you can play your part microphone & help cyprus

Postby lysi » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:11 pm

MICROPHONE, if you are against the occupataion & exploitation of greek cypriot land then you can support cyprus by confronting & complaining to the greedy BRITISH & NORTH CYPRUS BASED estate agents who are dealing in stolen greek cypriot land.
Send these thieves an email & let them know that what they are doing is wrong & illegal.
You can also contact the CYPRUS, TURKISH , GREEK & BRITISH governments to demand an end to the occupation, or you can contact the EUROPEAN UNION to complain about the illegal turkish occupation of cyprus.
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Postby Sotos » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:19 pm

Lysi I think what TM said is more than enough!!! You complain against everybody! STOP IT!! Go throw some rocks against the Israelis in Palestine then come back to ask from TM to confront others to support Cyprus! : :x
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Postby doglover » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:32 pm

I'm against it too lysi, and so are most people here. Could you please stop repeating yourself, as this is getting really old! If you're going to address these issues every day (and I wish you wouldn't) at least word your posts differently. You sound like a robot. Noone cares for what you have to say, and those that do share your opinion regarding the purchase of stolen land, aren't boring people to death on public forums with the same repetitive nonsense.

Although I don't agree with the British, or any nationality for that matter, buying stolen land here, I still think you're an incredibly racist person.

It surprises me that Admin hasn't banned you, since you repeatedly break the forums rules.
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Postby Sotos » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:35 pm

Now I am pro-occupation also? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Are you for real? I served in the army 26 months and I support my country how I can. What did you do? Sit behind a computer writing emails? Thats so brave!!! :roll:
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Postby lysi » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:36 pm

doglover wrote:I'm against it too lysi, and so are most people here. Could you please stop repeating yourself, as this is getting really old! If you're going to address these issues every day (and I wish you wouldn't) at least word your posts differently. You sound like a robot. Noone cares for what you have to say, and those that do share your opinion regarding the purchase of stolen land, aren't boring people to death on public forums with the same repetitive nonsense.

Although I don't agree with the British, or any nationality for that matter, buying stolen land here, I still think you're an incredibly racist person.

It surprises me that Admin hasn't banned you, since you repeatedly break the forums rules.

DOGGYLOVER, why dont you run a poll & ask the members if they want me banned from this forum ?
Lets just have this forum for the PRO-BRITISH & PRO-OCCUPATION supporters.
I will go away when the turkish occupation of my country ends & greedy BRITISH people are forced to return or pay for the stolen greek cypriot land that there nice cheap holiday homes are built on. WWW.LOBBYFORCYPRUS.ORG
Last edited by lysi on Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby doglover » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:37 pm

lysi wrote:
doglover wrote:I'm against it too lysi, and so are most people here. Could you please stop repeating yourself, as this is getting really old! If you're going to address these issues every day (and I wish you wouldn't) at least word your posts differently. You sound like a robot. Noone cares for what you have to say, and those that do share your opinion regarding the purchase of stolen land, aren't boring people to death on public forums with the same repetitive nonsense.

Although I don't agree with the British, or any nationality for that matter, buying stolen land here, I still think you're an incredibly racist person.

It surprises me that Admin hasn't banned you, since you repeatedly break the forums rules.

DOGGYLOVER, why dont you run a poll & ask the embers if they want me banned from this forum ?
Lets just have this forum for the PRO-BRITISH & PRO-OCCUPATION supporters.
I will go away when the turkish occupation of my country ends & greedy BRITISH people are forced to return or pay for the stolen greek cypriot land that there nice cheap holiday homes are built on.

So irrational. :roll:
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Postby lysi » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:40 pm

Sotos wrote:Now I am pro-occupation also? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Are you for real? I served in the army 26 months and I support my country how I can. What did you do? Sit behind a computer writing emails? Thats so brave!!! :roll:

Then SOTOS you brave thing, go to the occupied areas and start putting bricks through the windows of the greedy ESTATE AGENTS & take some spay paint aswelL. And pull down some turkish flags.
Then take a photo & post it on this forum to show us that YOU are BRAVE.
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Postby Sotos » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:46 pm

Then take a photo & post it on this forum to show us that YOU are BRAVE.

No I am not that brave. Are you? If you want to help Cyprus then do something useful. Now you are doing NOTHING. If you are in forums to educate people about the occupation then you failed miserably. You luck the skills for such thing and you do more harm than good!! :evil:
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Postby doglover » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:49 pm

But then I'd be breaking the forums rules, as you continually do!
It does sound tempting though. :idea: Nah. I'll pass.
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