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Why Am I proud to be Greek?

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Why Am I proud to be Greek?

Postby Strahd » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:02 pm

Why Am I proud to be Greek?

* Because we are European Champions in Football

* Because we are European Champions in Basketball
Because we are 2ND WORLD Champions in Basketball

* Because Paparizou (singer) made us Champions in the European song contest (Eurovision)

* Because we buy whole watermelons and not in slices

* Because we buy whole lambs and not in pieces

* Because when we buy feta we buy at least a kilo and not

* Because nights in Greece finish in the morning

* Because we take our coffee slowly and not in 'shots"

* Because flirting is our national hobby

* Because we are world champions in sex

* Because we always moan about the public sector and everyone seeks to get a job in it

* Because we go out almost every night even if we are penniless

*Because we respect our Grandmothers more than our wives

* Because we know how to spend better than we know how to save

* Because although we look like we are of Middle Eastern
Descent we are not

* Because we never visit others empty-handed

* Because there is no way to explain to foreigners what "kapsoura" is... (Burning desire for someone)

* Because we do not share the cost of petrol with those we take in our cars

* Because we always make it, albeit in the last moment

* Because for the sake of a woman we would wage war for 10 years (Trojan War)

* Because we are everywhere around the planet

* Because we love and hate with passion

* Because the word "filotimo" (a synonym of honor, helping someone because it is the right thing to do) doesn't exist in any other language

* Because whenever foreigners cannot find a word, they bloody steal one of ours

* Because we spend our bad and low times with our friends and family, not with therapists and counselors

* Because Socrates, Pluto, and Aristotle were Hellenic and we still quote from them

* Because we invented theatre

* Because we gave birth to Democracy

* Because we discovered logic

* Because we jumpstarted science

* Because we are proud of our culture, not of our wars

* Because Jesus Christ's best friends were Greeks

* Because when others were discovering meat, we already had cholesterol

* Because when we were building the Parthenon, the others were still sleeping under trees

* Because when others created wars, we created Games to stop wars

* Because we have a distinction between Eros (falling in love) & Agapi (innocent love), while we feel both passionately

* Because we don't use ketchup or mayonnaise with our food - it tastes damn good anyway!

* Because we tossed our ancient alphabet to the Romans and our medieval alphabet to the Slavs

* Because we get angry quickly but forget all about it even quicker

* Because we are not ashamed to cry

* Because we dance when we are sad and party when we are happy

* Because we work to live and we do not live to work

* Because 97% of the stars' names are Hellenic

* Because we always talk about getting in a diet after we had our meal

* Because a woman with a big ass is just as sexy as the woman with the small one

* Because although we know danger well, we dare

* Because when you shout "brother" in the streets, everyone turns around

* Because "Greeks do not fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks"
(Winston Churchill, 1941)

* Because we speak loudly and laugh even louder!!!

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Postby Bananiot » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:16 pm

Good joke Strahd
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Postby The Microphone » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:26 pm

Very good. Mate. Well done.

Ego massaged! LOL
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:56 pm

and i thought you were Cypriots not Greeks..
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Re: Why Am I proud to be Greek?

Postby Kifeas » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:11 pm

Strahd wrote:Why Am I proud to be Greek?

* Because we are European Champions in Football

* Because we are European Champions in Basketball
Because we are 2ND WORLD Champions in Basketball

* Because Paparizou (singer) made us Champions in the European song contest (Eurovision)

* Because we buy whole watermelons and not in slices

* Because we buy whole lambs and not in pieces

* Because when we buy feta we buy at least a kilo and not

* Because nights in Greece finish in the morning

* Because we take our coffee slowly and not in 'shots"

* Because flirting is our national hobby

* Because we are world champions in sex

* Because we always moan about the public sector and everyone seeks to get a job in it

* Because we go out almost every night even if we are penniless

*Because we respect our Grandmothers more than our wives

* Because we know how to spend better than we know how to save

* Because although we look like we are of Middle Eastern
Descent we are not

* Because we never visit others empty-handed

* Because there is no way to explain to foreigners what "kapsoura" is... (Burning desire for someone)

* Because we do not share the cost of petrol with those we take in our cars

* Because we always make it, albeit in the last moment

* Because for the sake of a woman we would wage war for 10 years (Trojan War)

* Because we are everywhere around the planet

* Because we love and hate with passion

* Because the word "filotimo" (a synonym of honor, helping someone because it is the right thing to do) doesn't exist in any other language

* Because whenever foreigners cannot find a word, they bloody steal one of ours

* Because we spend our bad and low times with our friends and family, not with therapists and counselors

* Because Socrates, Pluto, and Aristotle were Hellenic and we still quote from them

* Because we invented theatre

* Because we gave birth to Democracy

* Because we discovered logic

* Because we jumpstarted science

* Because we are proud of our culture, not of our wars

* Because Jesus Christ's best friends were Greeks

* Because when others were discovering meat, we already had cholesterol

* Because when we were building the Parthenon, the others were still sleeping under trees

* Because when others created wars, we created Games to stop wars

* Because we have a distinction between Eros (falling in love) & Agapi (innocent love), while we feel both passionately

* Because we don't use ketchup or mayonnaise with our food - it tastes damn good anyway!

* Because we tossed our ancient alphabet to the Romans and our medieval alphabet to the Slavs

* Because we get angry quickly but forget all about it even quicker

* Because we are not ashamed to cry

* Because we dance when we are sad and party when we are happy

* Because we work to live and we do not live to work

* Because 97% of the stars' names are Hellenic

* Because we always talk about getting in a diet after we had our meal

* Because a woman with a big ass is just as sexy as the woman with the small one

* Because although we know danger well, we dare

* Because when you shout "brother" in the streets, everyone turns around

* Because "Greeks do not fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks"
(Winston Churchill, 1941)

* Because we speak loudly and laugh even louder!!!


Certainly there is one last thing I am sure you have no chance to be much proud of, and this is definitely your IQ!
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Re: Why Am I proud to be Greek?

Postby Strahd » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:29 pm

Kifeas wrote:Certainly there is one last thing I am sure you have no chance to be much proud of, and this is definitely your IQ!

I do not know how to take this especially from you Kifeas... it was just a funny quote I found somewhere...
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Postby cadaunovera » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:34 pm

unique_earthling wrote:and i thought you were Cypriots not Greeks..

I am Greek Cypriot = GREEK Cypriot. Im as greek as my greeks in Athens, GET OVER IT.
I have found some more to add!

Because filotimo does not exist in any other language.
Because we wear sandals, without socks. (haha)
Because we have a distinction between Eros and Agapi, while we feel both of the pasionately.
Because Eros was a Greek good.
Because we gave the oath Freedom or Death.
Because we gave our ancient alphabet to the Romans and our medieval alphabet to the Slavs.
Because we converted all of Eastern Europe into Christians.
Because 97f the stars are named in Greek.
Because we speak loudly and even laugh lauder.
Because although we smoke more than anyone in the world, and eat the most red meat in Europe, we live the longest in Europe.
Because girls are not scared to walk alone in the streets at 2:00 or 4:00 in the morning.
Because the inside of all the churches are not dark, but full of light.
Because we know how to cheat.
Because our parents do not forget that we exist, when we reach 18.
Because the Olympic games were born here.
Because with our Olympic light, we unite the World and pass the message of peace.
Because we live permanently in the country that foreigners dream to visit for a week.
Because our sky is blue, not grey.
Because we know what kefi (propensity to fun) means.
Because Homer wrote the Iliad 3500 years ago, and Hollywood turned it into a movie just recently.
Because we speak foreign languages who learns Greek?

haha i dont kno if u already put some of them but oh well iw asnt checking;p


- You have a cousin called Jim.

- You say "Sick" every thirty seconds

- There are no such things as a girl - there's only "chicks"

- You wear or at least own a gold chunky bracelet.

- Garlic is considered a main meal.

- Olive oil is like a drug- you can't survive without it.

- You don't know half your relatives.

- You have a wedding at least twice a year.

- You're related to half of Melbourne.

- An uncle's wife's third cousin relates you to a friend.

- You or at least most of your uncles own a spit.

- You say "Re" at the end of each sentence

- When greeting one of the boys, it's always "Ela re!"

- You wear sunnies at night and consider it normal.

- You smell like an aftershave factory.

- You think spitting is attractive.

- You consider soccer the eighth wonder of the world.

- Your cheeks receive their weekly work out every time you visit an aunt.

- You have a shrine dedicated to Diego Maradona

- Your last name ends with: s, opolous, os, as, or is

- Your last name consists of the entire alphabet.

- You have a relation called Maria, Mario or Michael, Con, George or Bill.

- You tell your parents you're seeing someone and they start sending out wedding invitations.

- You're home an hour late and you're already listed as a missing person.

- You're Dad has those old Greek tapes in the car, and plays them on family drives. Especially in the vicinity of attractive members of the opposite sex.

- Your parents continually tell you the tale of walking 50 miles barefoot in the snow to get to school.

- You break a leg, and your grandmother thinks your life is over.

- Fluffy dice, or a crucifix hang from your rear-view mirrors

- When talking on the phone, you always ask ten questions, and don't bother waiting for replies.

- You tell your parents you're having a party. They buy out the whole supermarket.

- It doesn't matter if people can't hear what you're talking about - you talk so much with your hands that people know what you're on about anyway.

- You kiss people on both cheeks.

- You go to a wedding, and take a fancy to one of the guests. Later you discover that the guest is somehow related to you.

- You go to a wedding, and are introduced to cousins that you never knew existed.

- As far as you're concerned, there's only one sporting goods company - adidas

- You tell your mother you're not hungry and she thinks you have an eating disorder.

- Your conversations are based on one of two topics: Sex or sport.

- In your world, there's no such thing as a girlfriend. You either have a "bird" or your "chick".

- You use a mobile in a nightclub and consider it normal

- You spend half an hour on your mobile talking to your friend who's on the other side of the room.

-You have ever had loukoumades

-Can distinguish between kefalotiri and kefalograviera

-You can spell kefalograviera

-You're an adult and are forced to be with your family at 12 midnight on New Year's eve

-Upon meeting another Greek, one of Your first questions is, "What church do You go to?"

-Your grandmother/mother/aunt has a miracle cure for everything.

-You Can name any or all of the gods on Mount Olympus

-Your mother or father still feels the need to tell you, "katse kala"(be good) in public

-Can dance kalamatiano, tsiamiko, zebetiko without music

-Go to church picnics pretending You're there for reasons other than to check up/gossip about other Greeks

-You or a family member has been photographed with a donkey

-You must name Your children after Your in-laws

-You have at least 5 Maria's and 9 Dimitri's in your family as a result of the above

-You have ever heard the phrase, "Sto leo yia to kalo sou"(im telling u that for ur own good)

-You have one or more of those porcelain figurines in your house

-Your parents have ever made up the name of a street/store/TV show because they couldn't remember it or they couldn't pronounce it

-You go to a wedding or a baptism and complain about the food, but are the first one to ask for a "to go" plate

-You know someone who always feels the need to point out how much something they bought costs

-You have a bottle of OUZO in your house right now

-Know what a komboloi is

-Know how to work a komboloi

-When you were younger and going on car trips, You always had to sit on someone's lap in the front or back seat

-You have ever been threatened to be eaten by the mavro/baboola/yero/pontiki when you were little

-Someone in Your family owns any type of restaurant

-You Can't understand why McDonald's rejected your idea for the "McFeta" sandwich

-You are a card-carrying V.I.P at more than 3 dance clubs.

-You make up your own Greco-American language :For e.g. Carro (car), Moovare (move), Wassemassini (washing machine), bassi (bus).

-You were the first one to get cable on your block, but the last to have it legally.
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Re: Why Am I proud to be Greek?

Postby Kifeas » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:42 pm

Strahd wrote:
Kifeas wrote:Certainly there is one last thing I am sure you have no chance to be much proud of, and this is definitely your IQ!

I do not know how to take this especially from you Kifeas... it was just a funny quote I found somewhere...

I doesn’t matter if it came from your own brain, or you found it somewhere! What matters is that you adopted it, and posted it as something you subscribe to. What is it? It is nothing more than a mere nationalistic delirium, no different than the hilarious and laughable Ataturk slogans that the Turks paint on walls and mountains, such as "how happy to say I am a Turk" and "a Turk equals the whole world!"

Don't you know that it doesn't count and is not important what you yourself alone claim about yourself and /or your nationality or ethnicity, but what others do say about it, and doing the opposite only proves ones stupidity and jingoism and it amounts to a hubris (if you know the meaning of this very Greek word?)
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Postby cadaunovera » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:48 pm

Omg it was just a thing he found.GOSH :roll:
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Re: Why Am I proud to be Greek?

Postby Strahd » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:49 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Strahd wrote:
Kifeas wrote:Certainly there is one last thing I am sure you have no chance to be much proud of, and this is definitely your IQ!

I do not know how to take this especially from you Kifeas... it was just a funny quote I found somewhere...

I doesn’t matter if it came from your own brain, or you found it somewhere! What matters is that you adopted it, and posted it as something you subscribe to. What is it? It is nothing more than a mere nationalistic delirium, no different than the hilarious Ataturk slogans the Turks paint on walls and mountains, such as "how happy to say I am a Turk" and "a Turk equals the whole world."

Don't you know that it doesn't count and is not important what you yourself alone claim about yourself and /or your nationality or ethnicity, but what others do say about it, and doing the opposite only proves ones stupidity and jingoism?


I think you are taking things too seriously. You are entirely correct to say that it really does not matter what yourself claims... but these are not claims they are facts that just made me smile and feel to proud to be Greek... All the rest of the world is proud for beeing brittish, french, turkish etc. Why do we have to be automatically labeled nationalists if we are proud of what we are. If this pride is used correctly it can bring a lot of good to our lives. Keeping our tradition, protecting our language and literature and trying always to keep up to the high standards we set for ourselves.
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