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Postby robin » Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:30 pm

Hi there Twinle and VEX8,Many many thanks for your help and advice.To be honest,earning big money is not that important,as long as we can supplement what is left of my Fire service pension,to make that liveable that will do us!! I reckon we would need to earn about 700 cyp per month between us to be o.k,possibly less than that.......Roof over our head,food on the table,and no stress,thats our outlook!!! We haven't got there yet,and I wish we had done it years ago!! Take care,both and be safe,thank you again,will keep scanning these pages to keep up. :D :D
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Postby Dadalushe » Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:45 pm

If you have no rent or mortgage to pay, then surely it is quite easy to live on less than 700 a month? We have a house in a small village, and find that most of our bills, when we are there, are much lower than in the UK. Our biggest expense is having to hire cars every time we visit, but when we move to Cyprus permanently we will either buy a car there, or take ours from the UK. Other than that everything appears to be about the same as England or cheaper. Local produce is very accessible and not expensive and much fresher than the supermarkets we are used to here in England.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:47 pm

It seems that not having a rent or mortgage payment coming out every month will be very helpful to you. I believe that you can do it depending on how many people are in your family too.
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Postby robin » Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:12 pm

We will have rent to pay,however I have a small Fire service pension which will take care of that,and leave a bit over towards living expenses.We need to top this up to a liveable income.I would have thought that we could both work part time in order to do this,as we are hoping to place our 4 year old daughter in a Greek Cypriot school,which would allow us time to earn a few bob!! :) :idea: :idea:
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Postby twinkle » Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:06 pm

She's 4. She will go to nursery then. In Cyprus they are private and paid for by the parents.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:28 pm

Unless things have changed there are some local government sponsored ones that still cost a bit but not much.
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Postby twinkle » Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:53 pm

But the spaces are limited. It's practically impossible to get into and are Greek speaking.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:33 pm

Well I dont know about getting into them , but Robin said they wanted to send her to Greek school anyway so the only obstacle would be the part where maybe she cant get into them. Doesnt hurt to try though. If you dont try you do not know the answer for yourself.
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Postby robin » Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:38 am

Thats the plan,we would really like our daughter to be educated in a Greek Cypriot school.Our hope would be that she learns Greek as soon and as well as possible.Our aim is to try and fit in to the Cypriot way of life and minmise our British involvment.We know we have to be as open minded as possible,and not try to bring our ideas and cullture with we are the visitors we have to fit in with the local people,not the other way around.
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Postby jas » Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:07 am

Hi Robin,

My friend is a london cypriot with fluent Greek, very hardworking and multi skilled and she has never earned more than 500 a month here. She came over 2 years ago and has found finding a well paid job very hard, lots of comission promised or promotions etc but never received etc etc. Sometimes she works 10 hours a day....and I honestly think unless you have your own business over here its going to be a real struggle to make 700CY working part time, even if two of you are working part time and putting your earning together.

Sorry to be a bit pessimistic but some people think that they can earn good, or even fair money here and in my experience you can't! The buliders on the fly over which is currently being constructed are mainly bangladeshi or sre lankan and they will get about 165 cy a month for full time hours.
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