Hi Mark & Sandra
We have bought a place in Pernera but we will not be there full time yet as the kids dont't want to move - teenagers eh. We are planning to go for all the school holidays at first, for a couple of years untill they are old enough to leave home then we will move out. Where are you moving from? and do you plan on working I have been looking around the forum and the wages seem really low or are you going to retire? Please let me have the number when you get it. I bet it will be the longest 6 months of your life, but worth it. Can't wait till we are there full time.
Hi Lynne, we are leaving sunny Manchester behind and i will work in Cyprus though i haven't decided yet, exactly what i will do. I have a couple of irons in the fire, smouldering away, but what ever it is, i don't intend working too hard! Mark.