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Whats gonna happen with employment for Cypriots?????

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Postby Sotos » Sun Nov 19, 2006 6:02 pm

Nexties, are you Cypriot? Do you relate with Cyprus in any way? Just wondering ;)
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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:31 pm

why? will that make a differnce to you sotos... think about it...
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Postby Nexties » Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:09 pm

Nexties says, "Hello Sotos. Nexties only tries to help Cypriots with some insight." and then Nexties replies, "You don't have to be a Cypriot to recognize suffering." Nexties gives an example, "In the USA, there has been what they call on the nightly news a 'War on the Middle Class'. Hopefully it has not reached that level in Cyprus." and then Nexties concludes, "Recently middle class Americans voted overwhelmingly for change and the Party of the Bush Administration (Republican Party) lost their majority and control of congress in both The House and the Senate."

Nexties concludes, "Sotos; 'A new broom sweeps clean.'. Thank you!"
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Postby Johnson&Johnson » Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:42 am

I tell you what though

There is a massive difference in my office between the eastern europeans and the cypriots where quality of output, work ethic and behaviour are concerned

the poles/czechs etc are hardworking, committed and responsible

the cypriots seem to spend most of their time making frappe, ordering sandwiches from the van down the street and chitchatting to their mums on the phone.

we had one cypriot girl here who used to drown in work, she could never keep up (depsite this she still had time for 20 fag breaks a day) and there were always piles of paper sitting on her desk. we replaced her with an eastern european lady, and my oh my the difference is astounding. she gets here on time, always has her desk clear and is totally professional, polite and responsible

the cypriots have become spoilt, mummy and daddy will build their house for them and buy them a new toyota, so why bother work ?

p.s by the way we need a girl here if anyone is interested
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:46 pm

How many Cypriots would clean the roads, a toilet or work with animals??? Come on tell me? How many Cypriots would work on a building site, a farm or pick grapes??? How many Cypriots want to work in factories or any of the low paid sector? And your right Johnson & Johnson the girls dont want to work, they may break a nail and smile? well god forbid..
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Postby coredump » Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:54 pm

My accountant (Cypriot, he runs his own accounting/auditing firm) was moaning lately about how hard is it to find qualified staff here. According to him the dream job of most of Cypriots is some government job where they spend more time drinking coffee than working yet they get guaranteed lifetime income + lavish retirement benefits. He said that people leave even largest companies like PWC and Deloitte to take a govt job.
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