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Whats gonna happen with employment for Cypriots?????

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Postby Great White » Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:59 pm

unique_earthling wrote:I look at the cypriot girls here dressed to kill 24/7 and i know that they would not be interested in half the jobs cyprus has on offer, they wouldnt want to get their hands dirty, neither can they walk in the shoes they wear, so please dont tell me, we are taking their jobs, the only jobs we take are the ones they dont want cos they are too stuck up their own backsides to do them.. And i know for a fact they wouldnt work for the wages we get.

It is true in every country : locals don't want the dirty jobs. I am Swiss and it is very true in Switzerland as well.

The problem in Cyprus is that - at least for the time being - there is a strong lack of professionalism in basically every category of trade (including finance !) that prevents the country for prospering. There is not really a great entrepreuneurial spirit in Cyprus. It will take a lot more years for that to change. Unfortunately, with globalisation, I think a lot of large businesses (banks and insurances in particular) will be taken over by foreigners with foreigners holding key positions in Cyprus.

Again, welcome to the real world... am not saying it's a nice world but that's how it is....
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Postby Great White » Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:10 pm

anastasiaC wrote:I was suprised to see so many foreigners working as well - all the waiters/waitresses, petrol attendants, supermarket staff etc were foreighners - so what are the cypriots who used to do these jobs doing now??
i feel cyprus has lost its identity.......its just not the same.

The question is : do Cypriots want to do these jobs ? Honestly I don't think so. You must remeber that in 1998/99 a lot of Cypriots made good money with the stock market and I know a lot of them who quit their job thinking they made it.

Unfortunately, a lot of Cypriots don't really know how to make money. They lived the good life for a while and employers had to find workers... abroad as Cypriots were buys counting their money.... In 2000 the crash came and it took a few years for Cypriots to realize that the money was gone... furthermore my generation (1968) started suffering from the fact that there was less family money around (plots were sold, etc.).... They were now ready to take their old jobs back... but they were busy because employers needed workers. Of course, they've been "lucky" getting cheaper people... so why giving jobs back to Cypriots ?

When you know that a employee cost in average about three times his/her salary to the employers (all costs included), no wonder that they "prefer" foreigners....

I understand those who think it is hard and unfair....
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Postby unique_earthling » Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:12 am

Most of the females in shops are russian Greeks, and they are so rude and miserable, i worked with a few of them as their manager, and they gave 20% effort and had no pride in their work whats so ever. And they hated the fact that i tried to make it a better place, and set an example on good management and working practices, so much so they tried to get rid of me with their bullying. But the Cypriot boss was also a problem as all he could see was their pretty faces, and they could manupulate him easily. I left because he couldnt see the value in any of his workers. They have definately got a value problem here. The place went downhill after i left. Its arrogance, they think they know everything and actually have very little experience with anything. Your right Greatwhite when you said they are unprofessional, they are ruled by whims and not by set work ethics. And are certainly lacking in consideration for their workers. And do they really think that tourists really believe the bullshit they talk?
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Postby Eliko » Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:46 pm

I wonder if you can see what I meant ? :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:21 am

What are you 12? i rest my case as far as immaturity is concerned. Why dont you listen and learn? Thousands of europeans cant all be wrong.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:01 am

Madam, you present your responses to almost all of the topics in precisely the same fashion, immediately homing in on the opportunity to offer insult to your host nation before establishing yourself as the 'all knowing' source of information. Your comments above are a clear indication of the fact that you may be suffering from some kind of trauma which prompts you to deliver your comments in such a manner. I wonder if you are generally gnashing your teeth whilst you are furiously pounding out your aggressions on your key-board ?.
This particular topic is an invitation to submit acceptable observations which may in some way help to alleviate the
anxieties of those who are seeking employment, it has little to do with young Cypriot girls balancing delicately on high heeled shoes, it has little to do with pretty young members of staff who may secure an admiring glance from their employers, it is about the general distribution of the labour force necessary to successfully operate business
in a multi-cultural society. It may have given you great pleasure to reflect on the fact that the business you were
associated with went 'downhill' subsequent to your leaving, I doubt such was the case, I would think that the truth
of the matter would be nearer a great sigh of relief as you removed yourself from the miserable position you held.
I would respectfully suggest that in future topics, you deal with the issues and try to be 'nice', you will find it very beneficial if you are in fact, suffering from the result of some past trauma.
Thank you once again for your personallity assassination, you are indeed 'Unique' in your assumptions.
One small point I would like to mention in closing, I am familiar with the expression : 'The grass is always greener
on the other side of the fence' a little confused as to how one would get to the other side of the grass ?. :?
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Postby Eliko » Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:07 am

Madam, you present your responses to almost all of the topics in precisely the same fashion, immediately homing in on the opportunity to offer insult to your host nation before establishing yourself as the 'all knowing' source of information. Your comments above are a clear indication of the fact that you may be suffering from some kind of trauma which prompts you to deliver your comments in such a manner. I wonder if you are generally gnashing your teeth whilst you are furiously pounding out your aggressions on your key-board ?.
This particular topic is an invitation to submit acceptable observations which may in some way help to alleviate the
anxieties of those who are seeking employment, it has little to do with young Cypriot girls balancing delicately on high heeled shoes, it has little to do with pretty young members of staff who may secure an admiring glance from their employers, it is about the general distribution of the labour force necessary to successfully operate business
in a multi-cultural society. It may have given you great pleasure to reflect on the fact that the business you were
associated with went 'downhill' subsequent to your leaving, I doubt such was the case, I would think that the truth
of the matter would be nearer a great sigh of relief as you removed yourself from the miserable position you held.
I would respectfully suggest that in future topics, you deal with the issues and try to be 'nice', you will find it very beneficial if you are in fact, suffering from the result of some past trauma.
Thank you once again for your personallity assassination, you are indeed 'Unique' in your assumptions.
One small point I would like to mention in closing, I am familiar with the expression : 'The grass is always greener
on the other side of the fence' a little confused as to how one would get to the other side of the grass ?.
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Postby unique_earthling » Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:45 am

The funny thing is Eliko you have no idea about me at all. I have no real anger, its more a resentment at the lack of awareness this country has, thats actually quite funny more than making me feel angry. Every local and i mean those that have lived in Cyprus for most of their growing up years have all the same outlook and responses. I am sorry if the truth hurts but thats what truth does so if your defences come into play and you cant handle criticism then i suggest you go elsewhere as forums are obviously not for you.. And trust me you cant intimidate me as you seem to think you can with others in your life as i see a pattern here of control issues. which again is something that seems endemic here. And i am not nice as i see that as being unreal and certainly dont need to be liked, i dont have an issue about saving face and pretending to be what i am not. And what you think about me has absolutely no effect or even the smallest consideration on my part. You are typical of what i dont like in a Cypriot. And you can say what you like about england etc as i would more than likely see the truth and agree anyway rather than the bullshit, shame you cant. Its why Cyprus is stuck in the past because it is in denial of its problems and truths it chooses to look after number one rather than its people and country.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:03 am

Well spoken unique _earthling, I have just read your latest comments and detect no negativity, that is the correct response, I admit that I did tend to attempt to antagonize you but assure you my motives were for your benefit, I am sure you have much to contribute to the forum as have most members, my criticisms stemmed from the fact that I found your 'style' offensive and consider that an unnecessary attribute.
Please accept my apologies if I have offended you in any like measure as you have offended my countrymen.

Good luck and happiness in the future. :) :) :) :) :)
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Postby Nexties » Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:48 am

Whats gonna happen with employment for Cypriots?

Nexties says, "It is going to get worse, slowly but surely, because of the huge profit taking and greed creation. The most depressing part of a jobs depression is the denial, and lies that are told to hide the attack on the working class being sold out to cheap foreign labor markets, year after painful year."
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