firstly, the biggest dillema for the no-supporters : will /would you vote for a yes-supporter as your mayor ? especially for our divided capital , where we need a person with enough anti-occupational sendiments ?
second how do you feel about the position of the three parties (and the rest of cource) concerning their stance towards local societies ?
personally my greatest expectation from this elections is to see koulias supporting eleni mavrou... even if it is going to be the last thing i see in my life

and something funny. apparently according to polls, anastasiadis popularity has risen. and even more funny is that his popularity is rising not because of his positions or ideas , but because of his silence in this whole process.
apparently cypriots are so fed up from their politicians, that they are starting prefering the one who speaks the less.
parahprasing a journalist from phil, anastasiades could go on holidays till 2008 and then he would even have the chance of being elected a president