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Sunday last week, I got bored, so........

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Sunday last week, I got bored, so........

Postby Hazza » Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:04 am

Was bored last Sunday so thought I'd annoy CytaNet by emailing their sales team.

I've been experimenting with your bandwidth reader and have found to my asonishment that the 1Mbit service you offer is a complete rip-off, and instead, are paying for far less.

I have been using this at different times of the day and evening, running it 5 times each time.

Test 1 - 838.4kbits/sec
Test 2 - 864.8kbits/sec
Test 3 - 877.6kbits/sec
Test 4 - 822.3kbits/sec
Test 5 - 840Kbits/sec

The average that the above makes is 848.62Kbits/second. That is a hell of a lot less than the 1Mbit that I am paying for. Now either you are low on bandwidth, which quite frankly, isn't my problem, its yours, meaning you have to lower the prices as compensation OR purchase more bandwidth to give us, as paying customers what we are actually paying for.

This is a test going back to your servers. Would hate to look at international bandwidth tests on your services.

Either way, you are falsly advertising a service which you can't deliver/offer which goes against all EU Laws of fair trading and false advertisements.

I understand that I won't get a constant 1Mbit service, but having it drop by over 150Kbits/second is beyond belief.

I look forward to recieving a response from yourselves by email, advising me on how you are going to address the situation.

George Georgiou

I was wondering what responce I'd get from them. They didn't reply so I sent another email to them Thursday just gone.

well? Or is this something for me to email Primetel, OteNet and Cablenet to use as an advertising campaigne to promote their products whilst giving bad publicity to yourselves with actual facts?

Why won't they reply to me. I wonder if they blacklisted my email address as about a year ago I was sending them emails about their lack of technical knowhow, asking them about pizzas, if slices were missing, would they still pay for a whole pizza as that is the service they are providing. Funny enough, they didn't reply to me then either!

Maybe they don't like me very much :(
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Postby andri_cy » Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:47 pm

Maybe they just dont care about anything other than getting your money. If you are that mad about it, I am sure there are people you can contact.

P.S I'd be mad too
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Postby MarsdenCuckoo » Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:58 am

Hazza: When we upgraded to '1Mb' recently and they showed me how to check the bandwidth/speed I queried why it never reached 1Mb. Their response was "anything above 750/800 is 'classed' as 1Mb" - I'm def not technical so is this generally acceptable or not? (From yr posting, am 'guessing' not!)

On another, but similar note - been trying to get through to Cytanet all morning - :( - to query why the 1018 for Internet calls via our landline doesn't seem to work for us any more. So far haven't managed to speak to anyone in the right department.... wondered if it would be quicker to post here ie if anyone knew? Is this just us or have they changed the system? Thanks for any info.
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Postby orokliniservices » Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:05 am

1018 still works, dial 1018 then 00 then country code 44(uk) then number.
Just tried it, still works from our end
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Postby MarsdenCuckoo » Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:16 am

Thanks for the reply - I still get engaged all the time if I use the prefix but can get through if I don't prefix with 1018. At least I now know they've not changed the system.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:01 pm

Hazza did that just to annoy them.

You can't complain when with 1Mbit connection you get 848Kbits/second on average. Thats normal. To learn more try the following link:

The problem with Cytanet is that they block ports, and that connection to servers abroad is not as fast.

You can also use the following calculator to calculate the maximum speed you can get: Use the Mega bits/s option and check the table.

For 1Mbit connection the max you can get is about 881Kbit/s
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