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Hello from Larnaca

Feel free to talk about anything that you want.

Postby GG » Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:12 pm

After 2 weeks in Cyp I am still suffering the effects of Air conditioning.

Chest infection and sore throat. Would I switch it off? Would I f***.
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Re: Hello from Larnaca

Postby Kikapu » Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:30 pm

anastasiaC wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
anastasiaC wrote:hi everyone
thought id say its hot in larnaca - how do u guys cope??
anyway its great so far


Ah, finally the "wicked witch" (anastasiaC) shows up. Too bad the plug has been pulled from the new "Wizard of Oz" production by Admin.

Are you still confused anastasiaC.? Then check out the "cast for the new "Wizard of Oz" by forum members" in the General Chat. You might get a laugh.

i can just imagine....what a shame it go the did I get the vote for wicked witch?? and u havnt even seen my bad side yet??


Now I know, that I had picked the right person to have played the "wicked witch", because you're gloating to have even darker side than I first thought. Did you get a chance to read it. It's on the second page right now, under General Chat.

All the characters are more or less clear as to which members were assigned to play them. Unfortuantely, the person who was assigned to play "scarecrow" who needs a brain, "tin man" who needs a heart and "cowardly lion" who needs courage, got the Cyprus forum personnel to delete these roles from the original cast list. I think it was due to feeling a little insecure and perhaps having an inferiority complex. I hope you were able to follow the story anyway.

Let me know, what you think and on what you have missed.
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