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Postby Svetlana » Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:14 pm

Hi Kikapu

<<By the way Lana, you were going to become the "Rainbow", only because you are very colourful!!>

I am greatly flattered - I think :-(

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Postby reportfromcyprus » Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:27 pm

IMO, this forum has always been highly combatitive :)
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:33 pm

Svetlana wrote:Hi Kikapu

<<By the way Lana, you were going to become the "Rainbow", only because you are very colourful!!>

I am greatly flattered - I think :-(


It was meant as a compliment. Don't be shocked. I do have a good side also, you know.!

Just don't ask, which side.??!!!
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Postby doglover » Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:22 pm

I was sad about the 'Wizard of Oz' thread ending that way. It was a welcomed change from all of the other heavy discussions going on around here. If the brick hadn't of insulted andri_cy out of the blue, or critisized the American-Cypriot members here, then perhaps he would have deserved a more glamorous role in the movie.
And yes, it's sad that people resort to name-calling, when they wouldn't dare say those things to someone in real life. I guess it's so much easier calling someone a female dog online, because in real life there wouldn't be a monitor blocking the way of you getting your face slapped. But of course that would never be the case in real life, so I don't see why it should be here.

So when do you start work on your new movie script Kikapu? I am eager to see what creative ideas you come up with!
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Postby Piratis » Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:17 pm


Scum is plural, it requires no S...

Ok. Does "Scums" with S mean something different then? Because Google doesn't consider it as wrong and it has 252,000 results for it.

And what you say is not true, you also give SBA's a hard time, any brits you consider to moaning, and say that you dont need the British tourists...

About those subjects I am entitled to my opinion in the same way that you are. Thats why it a discussion forum. What good would it be if we all agreed?
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:23 pm

i think its group hug time... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:44 pm

doglover wrote:So when do you start work on your new movie script Kikapu? I am eager to see what creative ideas you come up with!

Funny you should say that, because Sotos said he was playing Superman for another production company, and so, I made some enquiries and managed to find the director for the Superman movie. I read the script, and I have to say, Sotos has impressed me with his open-mindedness for accepting this role. Well, I was sworn to secrecy of the script, so I can't say too much about it, unless Sotos gets out of line and starts calling you and others names. I can say however, that the movie is primarily shot in San Francisco.!!!
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Postby VEX8 » Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:26 pm

I must agree with avyixy's sentiment at the beggining of this thread.

Of late i have noticed that every subject, bar none degenerates into a slanging match or a littany of thinly veiled insults. Yes i know that in Cyprus anything political is a 'hot potato' and damn it we should all, as responsible citizens, feel passionate about any social, economical and political issue that arises but this is also a social community forum, not exclusivly Political.

Call me naive [ wait for it, wait for it!!!!] but i would like to join a discusion with other members on any random subject without the innevitable name calling and bickering. The Wizard of Oz thread is a great example, although i notice i wasn't approached for a role and i do not consider 20 years at RADA training to be a brick.
As i said to dear dear Johnny [Sir John Gilgoud] in the green room at the Ivy " I'm a brick you know" to which he replied " Call me Ishmeal".... wise words i think you'll agree.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:53 pm

VEX8 wrote: The Wizard of Oz thread is a great example, although i notice i wasn't approached for a role and i do not consider 20 years at RADA training to be a brick.
As i said to dear dear Johnny [Sir John Gilgoud] in the green room at the Ivy " I'm a brick you know" to which he replied " Call me Ishmeal".... wise words i think you'll agree.

With all due respect VEX8, you were cast as one of the "little people". I think you played your role very nicely. The "yellow brick" role was reserved for "movie critics", such as Mickleham.!!
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Postby MarsdenCuckoo » Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:06 pm

As a newcomer might I say that the Wizard of Oz thread was very enlightening re. the various members of this BB. (Shame it ended.) Well done, Kikapu.... can't wait for the next one.

PS: Don't suppose you're a musician by any chance?
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