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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:12 am

andri_cy we are arguing back and forth on matters but Im not really understanding what you want as a solution. Could you please give me the basics of what you want as a GC? How do you see the TCs role in that formula?
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Postby Strahd » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:13 am

Viewpoint wrote: they have not harmed any TCs

Yeah they only keep you enclaved and isolated from the rest of the world for the last 32 years... They offer you money and a plasmatic security and "quality" of life to keep your mouth shut and keep on brainwashing you! And at the end use you to establish a permanent presence of Turkey's armed forces in the most startegic point of the eastern Mediterranean!

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:16 am

Strahd wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: they have not harmed any TCs

Yeah they only keep you enclaved and isolated from the rest of the world for the last 32 years... They offer you money and a plasmatic security and "quality" of life to keep your mouth shut and keep on brainwashing you! And at the end use you to establish a permanent presence of Turkey's armed forces in the most startegic point of the eastern Mediterranean!

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So? whats your point? any alternatives? and dont give me the myth of sharing a united Cyprus with GCs... :lol:
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Postby Strahd » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:18 am

Viewpoint wrote:andri_cy we are arguing back and forth on matters but Im not really understanding what you want as a solution. Could you please give me the basics of what you want as a GC? How do you see the TCs role in that formula?

Role??? What role? you are 2 in 10! and your role will be such ! If you manage to become the best 2 in 10 this is up to you and not any external influence... you will have the same rights and prospects as eacho of the other 8 Cypriots.... this is how it works on Earth! otherwise if you do not like it move to planet Turkey...

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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:31 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks but no thanks, you can keep it, without BBF and plenty of safety valves we can stay like this for many many years to come.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:44 am

Strahd wrote:

I'm confused, which one is the real turkey in the picture, the one that looks like one, or the one that is acting like one.??

Actually, that was a trick question. The facial expression tells it all.!!
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:56 am

Viewpoint wrote:andri_cy we are arguing back and forth on matters but Im not really understanding what you want as a solution. Could you please give me the basics of what you want as a GC? How do you see the TCs role in that formula?

As a Cypriot I would like a country where everyone is equal and everyone has the right to vote. I want to live in a country where no one gets discriminated against and I want a united island where people can live where they want, work where they want. I was all occupying forces out and I want to have ONE flag the Cyprus flag. I want a new national anthem and schools that teach both Greek and Turkish. I want to live in a country where everything works like every other democratic country in the world. Tcs will be part of that country with the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else. I understand that you do not like being a minority but in simple terms, you just are. The same way blacks are in America. That doesn't mean that you don't have a voice. I would like to live in a country where if a TC was a better choice for a leader, he would be selected above everything else because he deserves it.
Of course I know you are going to start telling me how we need to show you this and show you that and make you trust us and all that gibberish. The truth is, it will never matter what one side is willing to do, or does even, if the other side is blind sided and doesn't want to see. So what If I showed you I was trustworthy. Will you want me to prove myself more and more and more? What are you doing to show ME you are equally as trustworthy? Is your side the only one that was betrayed and hurt during those years? Maybe that's what you would like to think, but I assure you my friend you are beyond misinformed. You just, of course, want to believe that because it makes you feel better about your ideas and your beliefs. I sure don't think that GCs were the only ones that suffered; then again I want a united country and you want it to be divided in two.
And, of course you are right, we RE going back and forth. Yours is as broken a record as Piratis' and several others on the GC. Everyone wants their pie whole and their stomach full like we say. No one wants to compromise and that's why we are where we are today. Only some of us, woke up with much more land than they owned before all this started. Maybe that's why you don't want a solution. Would it help you think I am trustworthy if I told you you can keep the land? Or do you want the keys to my car, my clothes and my wallet too? What are you going to give me in return? All I hear from everyone is demands and no compromises. Everyone blames everyone else and you all want to take and not give. Both sides. We should be ashamed of the fact that such big percentages on both sides are so badly stuck in the past. What the hell is the problem really? We are not that damn different after all....
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:39 pm

andri_cy wrote:As a Cypriot I would like a country where everyone is equal and everyone has the right to vote.

I want to live in a country where no one gets discriminated against and I want a united island where people can live where they want, work where they want.

I want all occupying forces out and I want to have ONE flag the Cyprus flag.

I want a new national anthem and schools that teach both Greek and Turkish.

I want to live in a country where everything works like every other democratic country in the world.

Tcs will be part of that country with the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else.

I understand that you do not like being a minority but in simple terms, you just are. That doesn't mean that you don't have a voice.

I would like to live in a country where if a TC was a better choice for a leader, he would be selected above everything else because he deserves it.

All I hear from everyone is demands and no compromises. ....

Well said Andri_cy. However, until Cypriots take the last sentence to heart, all the above will not happen. As I've said many times before. The "vase" has been broken, and not all the pieces can be put back together again to make the "vase" as same as before. However, it must be better to have the "vase" that we can have, rather than, no "vase" at all.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:52 pm

As a Cypriot I would like a country where everyone is equal and everyone has the right to vote. I want to live in a country where no one gets discriminated against and I want a united island where people can live where they want, work where they want.

So do I.

I was all occupying forces out and I want to have ONE flag the Cyprus flag. I want a new national anthem and schools that teach both Greek and Turkish. I want to live in a country where everything works like every other democratic country in the world.

So do I.

Tcs will be part of that country with the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else.

No problem.

I understand that you do not like being a minority but in simple terms, you just are. The same way blacks are in America. That doesn't mean that you don't have a voice.

Did the blacks in the USA ever own the states or have an agreement to form a partnership? we did thats why we are different, take the ex Serbia Montenegro as an example and you will soon see what I mean. They tried to live as a united country it didnt work, so they divided peacefully, why cant we do the same. Im all for trying but what happens if things go wrong again?

I would like to live in a country where if a TC was a better choice for a leader, he would be selected above everything else because he deserves it.

Fat chance if there is only one man one vote system.

Of course I know you are going to start telling me how we need to show you this and show you that and make you trust us and all that gibberish. The truth is, it will never matter what one side is willing to do, or does even, if the other side is blind sided and doesn't want to see. So what If I showed you I was trustworthy. Will you want me to prove myself more and more and more? What are you doing to show ME you are equally as trustworthy?

Why dont you try and see the results?

Is your side the only one that was betrayed and hurt during those years? Maybe that's what you would like to think, but I assure you my friend you are beyond misinformed. You just, of course, want to believe that because it makes you feel better about your ideas and your beliefs.

No both sides were hurt I agree with you on this issue, you have every right to mistrust me as much as I mistrust you.

sure don't think that GCs were the only ones that suffered; then again I want a united country and you want it to be divided in two.

I have realized we cannot be reunited we do not share the same vision or desire nor do the leaders have the ability to reunites so I am realistic and feel that agreed division would be the best solution at worst the current situation, this is my opinion am I not entitled to one?

Would it help you think I am trustworthy if I told you you can keep the land? Or do you want the keys to my car, my clothes and my wallet too? What are you going to give me in return? All I hear from everyone is demands and no compromises. Everyone blames everyone else and you all want to take and not give. Both sides. We should be ashamed of the fact that such big percentages on both sides are so badly stuck in the past. What the hell is the problem really? We are not that damn different after all....

I agree with you to a certain extent but believe the average Tcs do not want anything from you except being able to share this island in peace, without being shut out, they want to have the ability to effect their own destiny and not be ruled by Gcs, they do not want to leave anything to chance and be second class citizens...discriminated against or subject to GC hidden agendas, is this to much to ask for?
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Postby bakala » Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:06 pm


your unbiased and fair minded approach, that seeks answers to the problem without forcing your own viewpoint onto others is a refreshing change, Unfortunately this board is populated with brainwashed fanatics who view those with differeng views to thier own as political terrorists, Kozza i wish you the best of luck and keep your faith in mankind.

PS hello twinkle ( Twinkle is another fair minded contributor to the solution and not an addition to the problem)
im back after being off line while moving to the free zone of north Cyprus :)


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