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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:48 pm

cypezokyli wrote: the certainty people express about the future never ceases to amaze me!

people do not any more use terms of the kind : there was a high probablity that that would have happenned under this and that condition , but are always sure that there opinion about the future would be right.

Listen wise guy. When someone drives 200 Kmh after consuming a bottle of zivania, I really don’t care whether you say there is a high propability to get killed, or he will get killed.

wrote: everybody that has new ideas in these forums always forgets to tell us how they will be achieved.

New ideas? I thought you were a firm supporter of Sener Levent. :razz:

Since you were so kind to dedicate me a song here’s one from greatest Savopoulos hambly translated in English for everyone to understand:

…There comes the rain and hail, gone is the nest and the blackbirdies, there he stood on a tree branch alone.
-They don’t call me Great Stavros, and Mr Stavros, and Boss Stavros anymore….. Stavros only, only Stavros…..

Mr Stavros/ Boss Stavros etc = "trnc"
only Stavros=TC

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

NB. I understand you analysed my post to it’s finest detail. You did not miss one iota….
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:00 pm

besides the laughing faces you didnot really answered my question.
HOW are we going to achieve that ?

why dont you tell us ?
- will it happen, after we put so much pressure on the tcs so they will be begging to return to the 1960 agreements ?
- are we going to accept those tcs who wanted to get the tc positions back in the parliament ?
- or did you get the feeling that tcs are really up to the idea ?
- and ofcource you assume that we are such a superpower that we have the power to de-accept whatever we accepted up to now, in the long negotiation process. are you honestly proposing that we go on and say , mr moller screw BBF, just tell them to come back to the 1960 agreement and he and the UN will happily accept our proposal ?
- or are you arguing that this is the strategy of our goverment ? that would be extremely interesting to know.
- as for sener levent, he certainly proposed that a number of times, but i do not recall any gc politician or journalist lobbying for that idea. if you do know please direct me to him

i gave you some possibilities that i could come up with.
now why dont you analyse your post to the last iota, so the less of th eognorant people will inderstand
HOW, purpoliser ? and tell us what possibility / certainty your idea has for success ?

…There comes the rain and hail, gone is the nest and the blackbirdies, there he stood on a tree branch alone.
-They don’t call me Great Stavros, and Mr Stavros, and Boss Stavros anymore….. Stavros only, only Stavros…..

Mr Stavros/ Boss Stavros etc = "trnc"
only Stavros=TC

and in this story what exactly is the "rain and hail" = .... ?

i would be really interessted how you came to that weather prediction
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:09 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: Have you still no woken to the fact thet not all refguees will get their properties back, they will have to accept compensation.

It is you who is sleeping. No solution can force anyone accept compensation unless his property was used for public projects, moreover the compensation in case he accepts will have to come from the one who holds the property.

wrote: These of course will also have to be negotiated and if found unsuitable or to one sided will be rejected by the majority of TCs in resounding NO, we to have this right its not exclusive to one side.

Feel free to do whatever you like, even vote down whatever Turkey will agree for you. I will be there watching ready to burst in laughters. As you can see we already voted NO, and Greece just shut up. Dare do the same with your Mamy Dearest.

Shouldn't really be your concern thats between the TCs and Turkey.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:11 pm

HOW are we going to achieve that ?

As you said in an earlier post, we are mice. What we can do is manure around and try to survive. The only other alternative ever offered to us was to go and get into the cats mouth voluntarily. Is suicide an alternative for you?

What we can do however is to harm those that are harming us. 70 million Turks getting kicked out of their EU accession would be a good step in this direction.

Sooner or later the balance of power will change. As an example, Latvia never became a superpower, still they managed to gain their independence from a former super power, even if in Latvia they have 30% Russians.
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Postby rawk » Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:33 pm

cypezokyli wrote:besides the laughing faces you didnot really answered my question.
HOW are we going to achieve that ?

why dont you tell us ?
- will it happen, after we put so much pressure on the tcs so they will be begging to return to the 1960 agreements ?
- are we going to accept those tcs who wanted to get the tc positions back in the parliament ?
- or did you get the feeling that tcs are really up to the idea ?
- and ofcource you assume that we are such a superpower that we have the power to de-accept whatever we accepted up to now, in the long negotiation process. are you honestly proposing that we go on and say , mr moller screw BBF, just tell them to come back to the 1960 agreement and he and the UN will happily accept our proposal ?
- or are you arguing that this is the strategy of our goverment ? that would be extremely interesting to know.
- as for sener levent, he certainly proposed that a number of times, but i do not recall any gc politician or journalist lobbying for that idea. if you do know please direct me to him

i gave you some possibilities that i could come up with.
now why dont you analyse your post to the last iota, so the less of th eognorant people will inderstand
HOW, purpoliser ? and tell us what possibility / certainty your idea has for success ?

…There comes the rain and hail, gone is the nest and the blackbirdies, there he stood on a tree branch alone.
-They don’t call me Great Stavros, and Mr Stavros, and Boss Stavros anymore….. Stavros only, only Stavros…..

Mr Stavros/ Boss Stavros etc = "trnc"
only Stavros=TC

and in this story what exactly is the "rain and hail" = .... ?

i would be really interessted how you came to that weather prediction

I love poetry! That Stavros analogy is great. Excuse my Greek.

Πού είναι το άλογο και ο ιππότης;
Πού είναι το κέρατο που ήταν ηχημένος;
Έχουν περάσει όπως τον αέρα που φυσά στο λιβάδι, όπως τη βροχή στα βουνά.
Οι ημέρες έχουν έρθει κάτω στη δύση που κρύβει πίσω από τους
λόφους στη σκιά.
Εγώ δεν ξέρει πώς ήρθαμε εδώ;

Where is the horse and the rider?
Where is the horn that was blowing?
They have passed like the wind in the meadow, like the rain on the mountains.
The days have come down in the west
behind the hills into shadow.
How did it come to this?

Theoden of TRohan

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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:22 pm

Viewpoint wrote: Shouldn't really be your concern thats between the TCs and Turkey.

Hey are you going to forbit me watching your Mamy Dearest beating you?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:23 pm

cypezokyli wrote: besides the laughing faces you didnot really answered my question.
HOW are we going to achieve that ?

You wrote a statement NOT a question.Your statement claimed it was a NEW idea that needed explanation and I proved to you it was not . Herebelow a copy :razz:

----- >

wrote: everybody that has new ideas in these forums always forgets to tell us how they will be achieved.

I have no problem answering your additional fallacies. WE means two. Its takes two to tango. So if that is going to happen then it’s not only us who will ask , it is also the TC side. I am not a negotiator for the Cyprus Problem and I cannot foresee what each side will ask and what adjustements they will demand or agree regarding the application of the 1960 agreements.
I can only answer you the question as to who of our Politicians ever advocated it. Klerides proposed it in the past. Denktash rejected it. Honourable Mr Papadopoulos declared publicly that if the TCs want it that would be a bessing -meaning he will support it. So actually the first move depends on the TCs.

You wonder how it can ever happen. I will answer you from memory as from how I rememer Sener Levent saying it. If Turkey ever makes it in the EU, and in the meantime there has not been any solution then the only thing left for the TCs is to negotiate the best deal for return to the 1960 agreements.

So you still have queries as to what the "rain and hail" meant in the poem ??? Read it once more:

Yia sou Stavro kai kyr Stavro kai afenti tsoutsoulomyti.
Hi Stavros and Mr Stavros and Boss Stavros, highnosey.
-They don’t call me Great Stavros, and Mr Stavros, and Boss Stavros the highnosey anymore ….. Stavros only, only Stavros…..

By Savopoulos the Greatest

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:13 am

nionios is indeed the greatest.

only i do not know if in this story who the stavros is : us or the tcs?

in the meantime this is from fortigo :
"otan o kosmos gyro mas tha kaigetai
otan ta giofyria pyso mas tha kovounte ,
tha eimai kei na sas thymizo
tis meres tis palies.

If Turkey ever makes it in the EU,

all the best to your plan. i honestly wish you success.

that is, if and when turkey enters the EU. (or can you imagine us, pushing tukrey out ? ).

1. it is a great plan bc it depends on one parameter that it is to a big extent outside of our direct influence i.e. turkeys entry in the EU.

that is why we are such a great place. we dont make plans of what WE are going to do. just predictions how everything might work right....that is if and ever....

if it ever fails, then we can ofcource blame all the others.

2. i thought we wanted people to go home , and your idea is based on an "if" and an "ever"....great :roll:

even though, the "when" doesnot seem to bother us, since under the best estimations turkey needs at least 15 more years to enter the EU.

not to mention that who knows what will happen after 15 years, and what new parameters might enter the game....

its been since 1963, and since 74, and apparently now as well, that we have the impression that time is working for our side.

I have no problem answering your additional fallacies. WE means two.

another great discovery.
good . you are finally mooving in the right direction
that is precisely the reason why your idea is included in the imposible solutions of the cyppro.

oles oi lyseis einai fines kai oraies
monaha otan einai efyktes
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Postby Mickleham » Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:59 am

enosis? what? NEVER! an aberration of the past. Thank god!
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:58 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: Shouldn't really be your concern thats between the TCs and Turkey.

Hey are you going to forbit me watching your Mamy Dearest beating you?

The good relationship between the TCs and Turkey has always been an issue you have found difficult stomaching as this has never been the same with GCs, who continue to push TCs further and further away.
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