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Greek religion in Cyprus

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Postby Sotos » Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:22 pm

Greeks and the Greek Orthodox faith can not be separated. Our religion is misused by all these stupid priests but the Cristian religion has much better values than the 12 Gods of Olympus and so on!
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Postby cypezokyli » Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:26 pm

between the ancient greek gods, and the god of any monotheist religion , i do prefer the greek gods.

theres so many nice things (including so many bad things - but thats what makes them so great ) about them, that i really cannot see the reason why anyone would choose to submit himself to oppresing religious institutions
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Postby Sotos » Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:32 pm

cypezokyli religion should be about values and not submitting yourself to oppression religious institutions! Aren't the values of Christianity much better than those of the ancient Gods?
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Postby cypezokyli » Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:47 pm

absolutely not!!!

i am even susprised you say that!!!
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Postby Sotos » Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:11 am

So what are the great values of the ancient Gods?
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Postby EUropean666 » Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:13 am

1) Rassias has been in Cyprus and u can find his interview in cyprus, he has been also to cnn and other tv stations

2) There are no real gods. Greek civilisation was superior and people have created some role models based on real humans. For example Zeus is strong, and likes playing games with ppl and women, Estia is the kind of womanwho stays at home and look afters her family, athina is the dynamic type of a woman. Those were some role models to expaling some behaviours of human nature.

Greek gods, unlike the gallilean prophet and the other guy who came from the desert of arabis, have real values. they can cheat you, they behave like normal persons not like a divine person who can not be judged.

For example, who can criticize hallah or mo? If u do that you ll be killed at the spot from muslim cannibals. the same applied for christianism for many years.

Christianity stole rmany greco-roman values such as philoxenia (zeus the xenios) and others. Christianity created saints copying the greek religion. Nevertheless i call you to read the eternal sparta site (sparta stayed greek till the 9st century and today many laecedemonians are leaving the gallilean religion) and rassias site, do some reading to see the other side.
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Postby Biker » Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:56 am

laptanige wrote:Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
and the world will be as one.

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.

Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.

Where do you get that good weed? :lol:
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Postby theresa » Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:16 am

I saw an interesting tv programme on Stalin the other day, one of the things they said was that when Stalin banned religion the people worshiped him instead, I think it must be a part of our nature to have this NEED for religion. I should imagine that people who lead terrible lives - starvation and disease etc who watch their babies and children die in their arms MUST believe that there is SOMETHING, ANYTHING, better than what they have to look forward to or they would go insane - I know I would.
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:21 am

EUropean666 wrote:1) Rassias has been in Cyprus and u can find his interview in cyprus, he has been also to cnn and other tv stations

2) There are no real gods. Greek civilisation was superior and people have created some role models based on real humans. For example Zeus is strong, and likes playing games with ppl and women, Estia is the kind of womanwho stays at home and look afters her family, athina is the dynamic type of a woman. Those were some role models to expaling some behaviours of human nature.

Greek gods, unlike the gallilean prophet and the other guy who came from the desert of arabis, have real values. they can cheat you, they behave like normal persons not like a divine person who can not be judged.

For example, who can criticize hallah or mo? If u do that you ll be killed at the spot from muslim cannibals. the same applied for christianism for many years.

Christianity stole rmany greco-roman values such as philoxenia (zeus the xenios) and others. Christianity created saints copying the greek religion. Nevertheless i call you to read the eternal sparta site (sparta stayed greek till the 9st century and today many laecedemonians are leaving the gallilean religion) and rassias site, do some reading to see the other side.

This sounds like confused theorising to me, but I don't like the central message of elitism and superiority. Get over yourself - the Greeks are human like any other man or woman on the planet. Greece's civilisation grew from influences from many different countries, Egypt, to name one. If they made advancements in philosophy and learning, it's because they were smart enough to take in useful information from their environment.
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