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Americas war for Global Domination

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Postby miltiades » Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:10 am

Unique earthling , you posted the entire contents of Michael Chossudovsky , a self confessed Anti American who describes the vicious murderers who daily massacre their own people as "resistance movement""
Every thing else that he advocates is insignificant based on this statement.

""America's War for Global Domination
by Michel Chossudovsky

"""traveling to Baghdad to join the Iraqi resistance movement. ""

Resistance to what , elections have been held , an Iraqi government has been elected by Iraqis , The Americans and British have expressed their commitment to withdraw from Iraq just as soon as the Iraqi forces are fully in control.
As far as Syria and Iran are concerned , the US along with the free world have had intensive efforts to curb terrorist activities as well as the on going Iranian plans for Nuclear weapons facilities rebuked time and time again by these regimes. The West will not stand by and allow a madman to possess the ultimate weapon with which to threaten the existence of the civilized world as perceived in the West , ie ., freedom of speech , democracy , human rights , choice of faith , and the ban on stoning people to death for extra marital affairs.These regimes are still battling to come to terms with the 20th century demands let alone the 21st .
The West has an obligation to maintain for its people what has been earned with blood and tears over the years and has no wish what so ever to crawl back into the stone age , that was more than 2 thousand years ago.
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Postby Ascot » Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:34 pm

G.Man wrote:
Mickleham wrote:Every War is big Business for the Anglo Saxon race!

Arab nations like Saudi Arabia are selling billions of dollars in petroleum products to USA. In return USA is arming Saudi Arabia with aeroplanes and Guns, so in effect they getting the money they paid for petrol back.

In other instances after they arm a nation they also go back and destroy the same armaments they have sold to that nation, under various excuses, and life goes on

So the US is anglo saxon now..

America buys oil with dollars it prints, it can print as many dollars as it needs to buy oil as long as there is a demand for dollars...

Why do you think they attacked iraq after they started selling oil in euros, iran is now doing the same...

To buy oil in euros they have to balance the trade, and other than arms, what has america got that anyone wants?


Of course USA (america) is an Anglo saxon country.

Also, Canada, New Zealand, Australia,

America sells high technology equipment, i.e guns, aeroplanes, missiles, tanks.... equipment that spread death to people.
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