dms007 wrote:i do not like to think. it affects the brain.
No it cant do that its a naturally grown medicinal herb
titantrigger wrote:Have you tried the cat with some tuna or cheese spread. If my cat was sick he would still eat those 2 things.
Hazza wrote:titantrigger wrote:Have you tried the cat with some tuna or cheese spread. If my cat was sick he would still eat those 2 things.
Excellent call.
I went into Metro and bought a tin of Tuna for it (I'll explain why I'm calling the cat It in a minute). I emptied the oil out, mixed it all up, then drained what was left of the oil and put the Tuna in the cat bowl. It ate some of it, up until I switched the tap on in the bathroom where it ran in and started drinking straight from the tap )confusing as I have fresh water everywhere in the appartment for the little psycho. Anyhow, let it drink and drink, so its on the mend. Its very energetic today, catching insects that fly (or jump) in, running around like a demented headless chicken!
Now as for the it bit, I lifted the cat up and realised that he may well be a she. No boys bits to be seen, and he/she hasn't been spayed yet. 6 months old, I would have thought that something would have grown there by now? Was told by the petshop that it was a male cat when she gave him to me.
Thanks for the advise everyone
VEX8 wrote:Easy way to find out if it's a tom cat. Show it a small brown mouse and if it gets out a chalkboard and devises a cunning yet suprisingly complicated plan to capture said mouse, utilising applied physics, mathmatical allgorythms and a piano, it's a tom.
Sotos wrote:Have you tried the cat with some tuna or cheese spread.
I tried cat with cheese. Tastes perfect! But I didn't include tuna in the dish. Tuna is killed in inhumane way so I refuse to eat it. I am an animal lover
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