SNAD brought up the anniversary of 9-11 appoaching in another topic thread (Are You Happy), and i was wondering how other Cypriots feel about that. I was suprised to see it mentioned at all. anyone want to share thier stories about 9-11? how did it impact you?
I live just north of NY City, and have been up the top of the WTC on many occasions. i remember being up there once with a boyfriend, watching the sun set one evening. it was stunning.
in fact, the weekend before 9-11, i had out of town gueests visiting, and we were in the city doing the toursit thing. we ended up at the base of the Empire State Bldg., which we had done on one of her prior visits. we were looking down town at the Towers, and i asked her if she wouldn't rather go up them, being only a short subway which she replied "no, we'll do it next year." the Towers only stood anotehr two days. we both learned a lesson that day: not to put anything off.
I was lucky in that my community only lost 6 people in the disaster. in the days that followed, i remember having to drive past the house where the top dog of cantor fitzgerald lived. both he and his brother were missing. i couldn't stop the tears.
the day the towers fell, i was working in an office that was only 18 miles from midtown manhattan. it was high enough up, and a clear day. we noticed the radio station we had on had stopped playing music and was all talk. when we listened and found out what happened, we spent the rest of our day looking towardds the towers at the smoke billowing up. i don't know how i kept standing. i wanted to collapse and never get up again.
i lost my job that day. not related, but the heartless fool canned me for questiong the recent raise i recieved. what a jerk. he was in lower manhatten that morning, and was forced to evacutate. he drove home to our office, with thoughts of canning me, instead of what was happening inside his country.
it was horrible to be have to search for a job then. every artical in the paper somehow related to the events of 9-11. the obituaries went from a few columns to a few pages. and the want ads were practiaclly non exisitant. i was scared and depressed. who would hire a person like that?
it was a tuesday i would like to forget, but never will.