EUropean666 wrote:what is the problem been rich, having a democracy (even with an idiot for president) and etc? If you guys (muslims) dont like it, change cult or get a life and leave us alone!
miltiades wrote:Kikapu , stick to writing films , at least films are make belief , so you are saying that AL QUEDA targeted only the buildings by using humans on the aircraft as merely as an incidental process.
Kikapu , you are my dear friend talking absolute poppycock, balderdash , crap.
You have excelled your self by submitting the most ridiculous equation on what the majority of thinking people consider the 9/11 events as the most horrendous catastrophe of the 21st century , so far , the events of 9/11 KIKAPU , were the the beginning of Afghanistan , Iraq and many more to follow, those who are the victims of Bank robbers , road accidents , rapist murders DO NOT PRECIPITATED WARS where thousand die. On balance you are a likable and amiable chap , but biased for reasons that I can not make out.
You have positioned your self high up amongst those that Bin Laden would be proud to have as spokespersons, the other one being Zyperzokily.
doglover wrote:Has anyone taken into account the after effects of 9/11. The attack on September 11th has effected countries all over the world. People are still very afraid of flying. Everyone feels like a victim. I visited London, shortly after the underground and bus bombings, and I was too scared to travel on the tube from Heathrow to our hotel on Regent street. The attacks in London had been on my mind all week. I wanted to take a taxi, but decided against it, because I saw many other people using the tube without hesitation. So when I finally got on the train, I was seated opposite a couple of men, with dark complexions. They appeared to be Middle Eastern. My heart started pounding when I saw them rummaging through their bags. I quietly said to my fiancee "I'm scared. We should have taken a taxi" I was seriously freaking out. Only a few minutes later one of the men answered his mobile phone and said "geiasou re file, tora eimai sto Seven Sisters. Eimai skedon konta sou" And in English.. "Hi my friend, I am at Seven Sisters. Will be with you shortly" Naturally I let out a big sigh of relief, and thought to myself 'phew!'. I felt really silly, and my fiancee still makes fun of me to this day. This was only a natural response, and not in any way racist. That was my survival instinct kicking in. I was much more aware, and alert, than I would have been prior to 9/11. My friend who lives in London travelled to and from work every day on the tube. After the attack she would have panic attacks whenever she had to go to work. She literally cried every morning. This was the same for many other Londoners that had to use public transport. And this is how these kind of attacks effect everyone in the world today.
Yes, many people die in the US every day due to other acts of violence, but the attacks on 9/11 was the most evil and barbaric act of terror in the history of mankind.
Hiyar herif: The real terrorists, are those barbarians with no souls, who took over 3000 innocent lives, and brought fear and insecurity upon the whole world, that will probably last for generations to come. And I hate to say it, but there will be more attacks to come.
GorillaGal wrote:but hiroshimo and nagasaki ended the war sotos. they shouldn't have attacked us in pearl harbor in the first place. yes, it was a horrible thing to do, but in the long run, it saved many. 9-11 was just sensless.
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