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Postby EUropean666 » Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:23 am

33 co-patriots died in 9/11. Dont forget them!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:02 am


When you and Bush try to paint others who speak the truth about the reasons as to why 9/11 happened, or the Iraq war, as anti American, anti-West, Taliban lovers, Al Qaeda supporters, Bin Laden spoke person, is nothing more than hiding behind the facts, that are too disturbing to accept. After all, this is the West we're talking about, and as such we would never do anything that is unethical or illegal.

9/11 was an attack on America. The targets were symbols of what makes America, America. It's Democracy, it's Capitalism and financial success, and it's Military might. The Twin Towers were attacked because it's symbol of Capitalism. Pentagon as it's symbol on it's Military might, and had the down plane United 93 was to continue, it would have no doubt hit the Capital building, the symbol of Americas Democracy.

I don't know why you think any sane person, including me, would take joy on what occurred on 9/11. We were attacked by fanatics and those who believe that America should not escape repercussions on their foreign policy, that has caused them to hate America. When any building is attacked, it is accepted that people will get killed. The fanatics got "very lucky" on that day. Not only they managed to hijack the planes, and fly them into the Twin Tower, the Towers themselves collapsed, creating more deaths and destruction.

I don't know how you can make justification to the killings of Lebanese by the Israelis by dropping bombs on their residential buildings, just because there may be a hand full of Hezbollah near by. Of course, this is easily explained by you and "dancingbear" as, well, these are victims "War on Terror".
It is this kind of unequal justifications and acceptance of other peoples miseries that eventually will lead the same death and destruction to our shores. You're either going to condemn all ill actions or non at all. I condemn them all. I do not make excuses to anyone. On the other hand, you and others make selected excuses and justifications. Are you afraid to point the finger to your government and say, Sir, you're wrong in what you're doing, or do you accept what is dished out to you. I don't have to hate America, United Kingdom, or the West in general to point the finger at them and say, this is wrong in what you're doing. It is because I love these countries that I point the finger at them.

I can't understand how you and others can support our actions in Iraq. Support for conflicts like this, will come a day, when the West will be attacked again, call it repercussions if you want, but don't call it, they killed a lot of our innocent civilians. It is not the civilians that will be attacked, rather it will be the Nations. It is the civilians that will pay the price of the mistakes of their governments. Then the vicious cycle will then repeat itself. It is closing the eyes and ears of the past that have lead to events such as 9/11, 7/7, Madrid, Bali and so on. Speaking the truth does not make me any less an Patriotic American, British or Cypriot. Keeping my mouth and ears closed to the truth, can only make me a traitor to myself by blindly accepting my governments lies.
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Postby EUropean666 » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:14 am

what is the problem been rich, having a democracy (even with an idiot for president) and etc? If you guys (muslims) dont like it, change cult or get a life and leave us alone!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:20 am

EUropean666 wrote:what is the problem been rich, having a democracy (even with an idiot for president) and etc? If you guys (muslims) dont like it, change cult or get a life and leave us alone!

Here's a person with a view on the World, with the blinders on. Needs no further comments.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:25 am

miltiades wrote:Kikapu , stick to writing films , at least films are make belief , so you are saying that AL QUEDA targeted only the buildings by using humans on the aircraft as merely as an incidental process.
Kikapu , you are my dear friend talking absolute poppycock, balderdash , crap.
You have excelled your self by submitting the most ridiculous equation on what the majority of thinking people consider the 9/11 events as the most horrendous catastrophe of the 21st century , so far , the events of 9/11 KIKAPU , were the the beginning of Afghanistan , Iraq and many more to follow, those who are the victims of Bank robbers , road accidents , rapist murders DO NOT PRECIPITATED WARS where thousand die. On balance you are a likable and amiable chap , but biased for reasons that I can not make out.
You have positioned your self high up amongst those that Bin Laden would be proud to have as spokespersons, the other one being Zyperzokily.

Miltiades you are way out of line way off base and you are going off the deep end. Neither of us said that the people that died on 9/11 deserved it or they had it coming or whatever you accuse us off. Lots of people die all the time but the truth is they do not get as much coverage because it is not in the US. Of course 9/11/2000 sucked, but so did 9/11/1973. Did you remember that one? Of course not. 1974 sucked for Cyprus too, but who knows it apart from Cypriots? The point that was being made here was that yes 9/11 was tragic and atrocious but stuff like that DID happen before and WILL happen again. We all remember 9/11 because of the media coverage. I am not going to start spewing posion at you like you did me telling you to go back to your village in Cyprus like that would be a bad thing. I do not find that bad at all, as I remember where I am coming from. I am not going to apologise to you either, for having a different opinion than yours. It is my right and my privilege as I live in a free country and that is part of what I love about the US. Living here and loving the country and its people doesnt deprive us from the right to express our discomfort and discontent when our government are doing something we dislike. You talk about whats wrong in Britain all the time.
So no sir, I am not going to bow down to appease you or anyone else and I most certainly will not go back to my village in Cyprus until I am damn well ready to.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:30 am

doglover wrote:Has anyone taken into account the after effects of 9/11. The attack on September 11th has effected countries all over the world. People are still very afraid of flying. Everyone feels like a victim. I visited London, shortly after the underground and bus bombings, and I was too scared to travel on the tube from Heathrow to our hotel on Regent street. The attacks in London had been on my mind all week. I wanted to take a taxi, but decided against it, because I saw many other people using the tube without hesitation. So when I finally got on the train, I was seated opposite a couple of men, with dark complexions. They appeared to be Middle Eastern. My heart started pounding when I saw them rummaging through their bags. I quietly said to my fiancee "I'm scared. We should have taken a taxi" I was seriously freaking out. Only a few minutes later one of the men answered his mobile phone and said "geiasou re file, tora eimai sto Seven Sisters. Eimai skedon konta sou" And in English.. "Hi my friend, I am at Seven Sisters. Will be with you shortly" Naturally I let out a big sigh of relief, and thought to myself 'phew!'. I felt really silly, and my fiancee still makes fun of me to this day. This was only a natural response, and not in any way racist. That was my survival instinct kicking in. I was much more aware, and alert, than I would have been prior to 9/11. My friend who lives in London travelled to and from work every day on the tube. After the attack she would have panic attacks whenever she had to go to work. She literally cried every morning. This was the same for many other Londoners that had to use public transport. And this is how these kind of attacks effect everyone in the world today.

Yes, many people die in the US every day due to other acts of violence, but the attacks on 9/11 was the most evil and barbaric act of terror in the history of mankind.

Hiyar herif: The real terrorists, are those barbarians with no souls, who took over 3000 innocent lives, and brought fear and insecurity upon the whole world, that will probably last for generations to come. And I hate to say it, but there will be more attacks to come.

Dog lover, of course the after effects are tremendous. I have a lot of friends here, that now elect to drive places or take trains and other transportation means. No one here is trying to belittle what happened ( at least not me and I believe not Kikapu. We live/lived in this country and it is as much as our home as Cyprus). What happened was awuful and tragic in so many ways, it is not something one can describe. All we were talking about was loss of life there equal to loss of life elsewhere or by other means. Which is a totally different argument than people perceive it to be, ergo they are getting angry and rude. The effects of the attack as far as terror is concerned are probably not matched by any other. But they are matched and surpassed as far as life loss is concerned and I think that is the point people were trying to make. Not anti-American at all, just realistic and conversational.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:31 am

GorillaGal wrote:but hiroshimo and nagasaki ended the war sotos. they shouldn't have attacked us in pearl harbor in the first place. yes, it was a horrible thing to do, but in the long run, it saved many. 9-11 was just sensless.

That is completely true GG. We did an awful thing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki but I believe it was a necessary evil. 9/11 WAS senseless. Especially if the FBI could have really taken steps to maybe prevent it.
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