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Postby miltiades » Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:54 am

Andri , only deranged and unbalanced people would draw uneducated parallels , an atrocity is just that no comparisons. LET ME GIVE YOU AN EXAMPLE.
Suppose a G/C who lost his property driven out by the Turkish army in1974 , lost a brother or a father in the conflict , decided to take revenge by entering the occupied part of Cyprus and blowing himself up killing tens or hundreds of innocent Turkish Cypriots , would you or any one else have the audacity to draw parallels and excuse these barbaric act by saying that the perpetrator lost his property , his brother or father , no Madam a crime such as the 9/11 is incomparable and inexcusable , Kikapu and Zyper are atrociously wrong and so are you .
Who the f..k is talking about importance of life , I'm talking about a savage attack on innocent people , do not demean their memory by making stupid comparisons. You live in America , be an American or come back to your village in Cyprus. The horrendous crime of 9/11 is incomparable to any other human tragedy because it was premeditated to cause as much civilian loss of life as possible and the bastards who carried this heinous attack were sick beyond comprehension. To quantify their barbaric act is equivalent to endorsing it.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:28 am

wow, this time, miltiades, you impress me. thank you.
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Postby dinos » Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:47 am

^^Plenty of people on this side of the pond remember the attacks in Madrid and London, etc.

In any case, Mexico is quite useful in getting terrorists over the border and into the States. I doubt there'd ever be a terrorist attack there.

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Postby cypezokyli » Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:11 am

the million dollar question.

which terrosit (govermental )organisation attacked a democracy and its democratically ellected president on 9/11 / 1973 ?
result ? over 30 000 people died

how easily do we forget ...
a documentary yesterday on ARTE (the franco-german tv channel) reminded me that there was also another 9/11
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Postby Biker » Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:56 am

I was in a pub, the TV was on and showing one of the trade towers burning, then a plane hit the second tower, everybody in the pub was quiet and watching the TV screens, some women were crying , after a while the the towers collapsed, I had an overwhelming feeling that the world had just changed.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:12 am

miltiades wrote:Kikapu wrote:
"""don't know if most people know this, but on any given MONTH, there are on average 3,000 deaths in the USA, all related to crime, perpetrated by Americans on Americans. So, in effect, there is a 9/11 (in deaths) happening every month, but the country is totally unaffected by this. But the 3,000 deaths, from the 9/11 attacks will be remembered for ever. So, Piratis's question is very valid, "is every death equal". I know he said American life as suppose to non American lives, but the question is valid all the same. """

Kikapu , you know I have an affinity towards you and find you not only intelligent but at times very entertaining, however let me just reprimand your statement above , in which you appear to dismiss the gravity of the horrific events of 9/11 by informing us that 3000 are killed every month in America by Americans therefore why all the fuss.

Still friends I hope !


I made you into a "Wizard" on another thread, so I expect you to act like one at all times from now on.!! Now, where did you read in my statement, that I said, " why all the fuss" about 9/11. I thought I gave a good reasons as to why it had a major impact on America and the world in general. Yes, it was a premeditated attack to kill and destroy. Same time, 3,000 Americans die every month in the hands of other Americans, through crime, which is mostly premeditated also. This has nothing to do with all the other deaths you have mentioned in your post, ie road accidents and all the others.

My point was, 9/11 was one kind of a crime witnessed by millions through the TV, but the equal number of deaths by other crimes, every month, goes on unnoticed by the public in general, because we don't see it live.

PS...If I can't be friends with the "Wizard", who am I going to be friends with.? Who knows, I may one day be in need of a new brain, new heart, and some courage, like another member on the forum.!!
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Postby Hiyar herif » Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:20 am

not long after the attacks i was drinking at a pub in london when this guy came up to me and with a very serious look on his face he asked me if i was 'islam!'..what? i asked totally confused..after, i realised that my dark skin and 6 days of facial hair probably made him think that..the fact that i was in a pub with a pint in my hand and eyes bloodshot red from the joint i smoked 20 minutes ago should of been enough proof that im not a kind of guy to blow people up in the name of cut a long story short he was a racist and he was looking for trouble..the next day i started thinking about this so called ''war on terror'' and the idiot from the night before and in my opinion the puppet masters* pulling the strings attached to bush are the real terrorists - they are no different to hitler..the biggest weapon on earth is media and through t.v. they can play with our minds and make us hate each other and make us feel like we are threatened - they talk about democracy and freedom of choie,but whats freedom of choice without the choice of freedom..before you know it we are all gonna be tagged and numbered..hang on a minute dont prisoners get tagged and numbered.....

*surely you understand what i mean.
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Postby Hiyar herif » Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:24 am

hmm - i get the feeling that im gonna get replies telling me that what i just wrote is totally irrelevent to the topic - dont bother cos i dont give a - no one likes war but im afraid most people today are blind to see whats going on
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Postby doglover » Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:34 pm

Has anyone taken into account the after effects of 9/11. The attack on September 11th has effected countries all over the world. People are still very afraid of flying. Everyone feels like a victim. I visited London, shortly after the underground and bus bombings, and I was too scared to travel on the tube from Heathrow to our hotel on Regent street. The attacks in London had been on my mind all week. I wanted to take a taxi, but decided against it, because I saw many other people using the tube without hesitation. So when I finally got on the train, I was seated opposite a couple of men, with dark complexions. They appeared to be Middle Eastern. My heart started pounding when I saw them rummaging through their bags. I quietly said to my fiancee "I'm scared. We should have taken a taxi" I was seriously freaking out. Only a few minutes later one of the men answered his mobile phone and said "geiasou re file, tora eimai sto Seven Sisters. Eimai skedon konta sou" And in English.. "Hi my friend, I am at Seven Sisters. Will be with you shortly" Naturally I let out a big sigh of relief, and thought to myself 'phew!'. I felt really silly, and my fiancee still makes fun of me to this day. This was only a natural response, and not in any way racist. That was my survival instinct kicking in. I was much more aware, and alert, than I would have been prior to 9/11. My friend who lives in London travelled to and from work every day on the tube. After the attack she would have panic attacks whenever she had to go to work. She literally cried every morning. This was the same for many other Londoners that had to use public transport. And this is how these kind of attacks effect everyone in the world today.

Yes, many people die in the US every day due to other acts of violence, but the attacks on 9/11 was the most evil and barbaric act of terror in the history of mankind.

Hiyar herif: The real terrorists, are those barbarians with no souls, who took over 3000 innocent lives, and brought fear and insecurity upon the whole world, that will probably last for generations to come. And I hate to say it, but there will be more attacks to come.
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Postby EUropean666 » Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:26 pm

9/11 TWO terrorist attacks occured

9/11 1973 president alliende was murdered from CIA and Pinocet's scums. Few years ago Pinocet was roaming free (an d protected from british gov'ment) in London, in the rougue state of Britain.

2001 Muslim fascists are killing 3000 ppl (including 33 greex and cypriots). Greek talibans like the orthodox scums and communists are praising islamofascism.

On both cases innocent ppl died in vein. Let's hope that islam will be exterminated or at least stop attacking europe and the free world.
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