mariocy wrote:The United States & Americans in general have little or no idea how their foreign policies affect the rest of the world.
I am a reular traveller to the 'States on Business, & over the years I have realized the the average JOE has very low levels of education; little or no global awareness; pathetic knowledge of geography & a very inbred patriotic flag-flying streak that is as scary as it is funny.
Add all this into the mix, give them guns & an insatiable need for oil to fuel their terribly inneficient cars & the result is exactly what we have today. A mess.
Everything is not bad though. Americans have also given the world gastronomique gems like McD's & KFC.
Obesity US style!!!
Although you have some good points in your post, you cannot speak for ALL American people. I have some friends in LA that want Bush out of office, because they feel he has done more bad than good. They also didn't support the war in Iraq.
There are many insular Americans that think America is the 'World', and they resort to the gungho, Pro-Bush, flag-waving attitude, to which you are referring to in your post. But these kind of people exist in every country, including Cyprus. Those that poison animals here are just as bad, as they haven't lived in the UK, or US, to see how English and American people treat animals there, so they don't have any examples to measure things against. They have no worldly knowledge. Those that have lived in other countries in the world, (eg. Miltiades) have a much wider understanding of the world.
After 9/11, I did not hate America for going to war with Afghanistan. Terrorists that train at terrorist camps, have only one goal on their mind, to wipe out the entire Western way of life, by targeting innocent people. Those people are the most dangerous kind, as they pose a big threat to many innocent people. They deserve to be hunted down with much aggression, and stopped with any measure available, to make this world a safer place.
If you remember recently, several terrorists were plotting to board planes at Heathrow airport and blow up them up mid-air. Imagine if you were a regular traveller to England on business. What if they had successfully followed through on their plans, and you had been on one of those planes that they blew up? Scary thought, isn't it? Your parents would no longer be insulting the American and British government. They would be blaming the terrorists, and rightly so. You have no interest in the British government, and nothing you do or say promotes the British government. So where was the justice in yours, and every other passengers death?
Terrorists are not targetting the American or British government. They are targetting innocent people.
What you're basically saying (and correct me if I'm wrong) is that terrorists are the only solution to stopping the American government? And that the American government asked for it? If that's so... then I couldn't disagree more with you.
But let's not forget that there are insular people in every country of the world. I am unable to speak to certain relatives of mine about various issues in Cyprus, because they are not open to criticism, and they don't know any better, because they haven't lived elsewhere in the world to measure things against. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people here say "Kala tous ekaman tous Amerikanous" when 9/11 is brought up.

I think GorillaGal originally started this thread to talk about the victims of 9/11. I believe she was in New York at the time, and it effected her directly. She was there to experience the pain and suffering of others. Although you are right to say that you do not like the way America is politically headed... this does not justify these types of barbaric attacks from insane wannabe martyrs that are capable of killing many innocents.
Please let's stick to the topic. The victims of 9/11.