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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:44 pm

Piratis wrote:
It hit me then what a horrible and disgusting world we are living in.

It hit you then? So what you say that the killings of others by the Americans and their allies, the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey, the occupation of Palestine by Israel, Vietnam war, WWII, the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc didn't make you realize long time before in what unfair and disgusting world we are living in?

A sad event, yes. But there is no need to over rate this event compared to the other disgusting events that happen every year in all parts of the world.

there are very few events, excluding nagasaki and hiroshima, that equalled what happened on 9-11.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:49 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
Piratis wrote:
It hit me then what a horrible and disgusting world we are living in.

It hit you then? So what you say that the killings of others by the Americans and their allies, the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey, the occupation of Palestine by Israel, Vietnam war, WWII, the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc didn't make you realize long time before in what unfair and disgusting world we are living in?

A sad event, yes. But there is no need to over rate this event compared to the other disgusting events that happen every year in all parts of the world.

there are very few events, excluding nagasaki and hiroshima, that equalled what happened on 9-11.

BTW piratis, those weren't just americans that died that day. this was the WORLD trade center that went down.....
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:52 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
Piratis wrote:
It hit me then what a horrible and disgusting world we are living in.

It hit you then? So what you say that the killings of others by the Americans and their allies, the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey, the occupation of Palestine by Israel, Vietnam war, WWII, the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc didn't make you realize long time before in what unfair and disgusting world we are living in?

A sad event, yes. But there is no need to over rate this event compared to the other disgusting events that happen every year in all parts of the world.

there are very few events, excluding nagasaki and hiroshima, that equalled what happened on 9-11.

according to the media - perhaps you are right.
according to the pain caused, you will be surprised how many things can equal the 9/11 attacks.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:57 pm

cypezokyli wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
Piratis wrote:
It hit me then what a horrible and disgusting world we are living in.

It hit you then? So what you say that the killings of others by the Americans and their allies, the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey, the occupation of Palestine by Israel, Vietnam war, WWII, the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc didn't make you realize long time before in what unfair and disgusting world we are living in?

A sad event, yes. But there is no need to over rate this event compared to the other disgusting events that happen every year in all parts of the world.

there are very few events, excluding nagasaki and hiroshima, that equalled what happened on 9-11.

according to the media - perhaps you are right.
according to the pain caused, you will be surprised how many things can equal the 9/11 attacks.

pain is pain. we all feel it. is my pain any less than yours? i don't think so.....
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:03 am

that was precisely my point.
things like that, happen all the time, in all places in the world.
its not very few events, but a lot of them.
just because we dont learn about them, it doesnt mean that they do not happen.
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Postby Filitsa » Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:25 am

My son arrived home from school that day and explained that his classmate, to her surprise, had been summoned to the principal's office where she was told that she was being dismissed early from school. A relative was there to take her home. Shortly after her departure, the school was abuzz with the news of the Twin Tower attacks. Knowing the occupation of his classmate's father, my son and the rest of the school were concerned for her. Their concern turned to sadness and sympathy when later in the school day it was announced that her father was the pilot on United Flight 11 - the plane that hit the second tower.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:31 am

But let me ask you something GorillaGal. Do the lives of Americans worth more than the lives of other people? A lot more people have died and continue to die every year with the use of American weapons and the support of the American government. Lebanon is a recent example, and the 6000 victims of the Turkish invasion in Cyprus are our own example here.

"""Unfortunately the deaths of others is just a number on the news for one day. The next day they are forgotten.

So yes, 9/11 was a sad event. But not the saddest. Much worst things happened, unfortunately with the support of your government (but they don't talk about those things at your media). As you understand, if you support and excuse the crimes of your government against others, then those others could naturally be happy when you fall victims of crimes as well. """

As usual you are spewing out your anti American feelings to the detriment of our nation.
Let me tell you something and you , and all those who share your views , Zyperzokily comes to mind ,
Let me tell you why . These barbarians had as their ultimate aim to kill and kill and kill , no objective was aimed at as was the Hiroshima event which was clearly an act to bring about the end of WW2 , it was not an event so that the perpetrators would gain access to heavens .
The barbarians who killed innocent passengers on those planes were , and I will use a word that you may find easier to understand , KTINA , YAOURKA , ILITHIE , Fanatics who while carrying out these perverted acts were chanting God is Great , and you dare compare this to other atrocities.

From that day on I realized that these savages are capable of committing the ultimate attack , an attack with whatever weapons they might possess , they do not fear death , in fact they love death much more than we love life.
America was right to act in Afghanistan , Iraq and will right to act in Iran when the day comes, in the meantime you can carry on spewing out your usual anti American views.
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Postby Snad » Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:17 am

I remember when the towers fell what I was doing. It was my first day in charge of a handling agents at the airport. My assistant had gone off sick and it was down to me. All hell broke loose as they cancelled flights one after the other. Complete chaos.
I will never forget that day as long as I live, its the worst 12 hours I have ever spent.

My thoughts are with the families of the victims tomorrow. May anything like this never happen again.
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Postby mariocy » Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:37 pm

The United States & Americans in general have little or no idea how their foreign policies affect the rest of the world.
I am a reular traveller to the 'States on Business, & over the years I have realized the the average JOE has very low levels of education; little or no global awareness; pathetic knowledge of geography & a very inbred patriotic flag-flying streak that is as scary as it is funny.

Add all this into the mix, give them guns & an insatiable need for oil to fuel their terribly inneficient cars & the result is exactly what we have today. A mess.

Everything is not bad though. Americans have also given the world gastronomique gems like McD's & KFC.
Obesity US style!!!
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Postby mariocy » Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:43 pm

Ooops, forgot to add the point of my mild US bashing. :lol:
With a nation full of glutinous, gun toting megalomaniacs, with as much understanding of other cultures as a plank of wood, its no wonder that whenver they venture outside their borders they create havoc.
Vietnam is a superb example. Iraq twice!! Add this to the hypocritical American insistance that others cannot harness nuclear power, when the only nation to actually use nuclear power aggressively is the US....TWICE!!

Go and see V for vendetta. A glimpse of things to come.........
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