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in progressive places the church is...

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

in progressive places the church is...

Postby cypezokyli » Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:16 pm

out of the educational system.

in greece the right -wink goverment decided that confessions will not be performed any more in schools. ... 2,94032932

in the meantime , in a state that doesnot exist , the organisation of tc teachers has been protesting for almost a month now, against the introduction, of after school religious classes in mosques. (what we would call and have for years: katihitika). even though, students visit those places after school, neverthless the tc teachers are protesting, and demand to know what kids will be taught at the mosque.

sometimes i believe that KTÖS is the only real progressive organisation in the whole island. for sure , they make me proud to be a cypriot.

can anyone imagine our progressive goverment taking such step like the right wink goverment in greece ?
or ....can anyone imagine how easier the cyppro would have been had we had such teachers, in the south ?
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