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Now that the Orams have won, what does the future hold ?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Jerry » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:33 pm

You cannot settle the Cyprus Problem by force. Look at the destruction in Lebanon after a few weeks of bombing, is that what you want to see in Cyprus? My family have lost properties in the north and I feel angry about the fact that those two smug fat pigs have won a temporary victory but I always believe in fate, what goes around comes around, sooner or later the thieves in the north will get what they deserve. Some time in the future the TCs will have to decide between joining the EU or abandoning the likes of the Orams once the acquis is withdrawn - I think I can guess which they will choose.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:39 pm

Jerry wrote: Some time in the future the TCs will have to decide between joining the EU or abandoning the likes of the Orams once the acquis is withdrawn - I think I can guess which they will choose.

Didn't you know, that the TC's are already in the EU. All they have to do, is to pick up their ROC passports in Nicosia.!! I get your point, regardless.
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Postby Jerry » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:46 pm

The TCs are in the EU, their "country" is not!
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Postby Natty » Thu Sep 07, 2006 8:13 pm

Look, I really don't think that the GC's are going to start gunning down the Turkish Army anytime soon, as nothing has been done for 32's just frustration talking...and most know that violence isn't going to solve anything....And there really is no point in putting all the blame on one party, for eg "the British are to blame for everything...", everyone holds some form of responsibility, the Greeks (Junta), the Turks, the GC's, the TC's, the British, the Americans...So everyone has a valid point...well most people....

I can understand people's frustration, I feel it too, but I have to be honest that I had a feeling something like this was going to happen...I guess we just have to see what happens in the future...

Peace! :)
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Postby The Microphone » Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:38 am


''People say things out of character when highly upset, and this case is really upsetting to Greek Cypriots, and a sign of desperation, I think, since there's no solution in sight. ''

Can this be an excuse for incitement to commit murder?

If we all took this attitude and used the excuse 'that is highly upsetting', you'd have people bieng murdered willy nilly. Where would you draw the line??????

What would you say if I said that your remarks were 'highly upsetting' to me? Regardless of whether you think I would be being petty or not, the seriousness of the issue is not important either.......... what is is the fact that I could use that as an excuse or reason to suggest you be terminated.

Would you still be of the opinion that my remarks are justified?
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Postby Sotos » Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:59 am

It is not murder. It is the death penalty. Orams are criminals. They refused to obey our court ruling so now their sentence is increased to the death penalty. Good honest people die every day. Why do you care about those criminals? Because you British support each other even the criminals, like your court did? :evil:
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Postby The Microphone » Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:05 am

Who said I cared about them? In a democracy, the law is the law....... and you abide by it even if you dont like the result.

On whose say so or authority has a death panalty been handed out? Yours?

You are exactly the type of person who has to be guarded against. There is obviously no reasoning with the likes of you!
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:05 am

The Microphone wrote:Report........quote.....

''People say things out of character when highly upset, and this case is really upsetting to Greek Cypriots, and a sign of desperation, I think, since there's no solution in sight. ''

Can this be an excuse for incitement to commit murder?

If we all took this attitude and used the excuse 'that is highly upsetting', you'd have people bieng murdered willy nilly. Where would you draw the line??????

What would you say if I said that your remarks were 'highly upsetting' to me? Regardless of whether you think I would be being petty or not, the seriousness of the issue is not important either.......... what is is the fact that I could use that as an excuse or reason to suggest you be terminated.

Would you still be of the opinion that my remarks are justified?

Words are not deeds, Microphone, and people letting off steam verbally is different to actually taking a gun and shooting someone.
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Postby The Microphone » Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:25 am


see what happens when you create a situation as you have done? You gave them an excuse. Look at the post by Sotos.

If you run a newspaper or whatever it is, print his posting!

Oh and by the way..ever heard of libel. Are they words and not deeds????????????
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Postby G.Man » Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:52 am

Sotos wrote:It is not murder. It is the death penalty. Orams are criminals. They refused to obey our court ruling so now their sentence is increased to the death penalty. Good honest people die every day. Why do you care about those criminals? Because you British support each other even the criminals, like your court did? :evil:

So if the orams gave the piece of land back that they stole, what would apostilides do with it?

Nothing, zero, zip, nada until the cyprus problem is resolved, and then he will get his land back anyway, so wtf is he bothering to waste a fortune in courts on a case that even if he wins will achieve nothing...

Except maybe get him some financial compensation that he cannot get any other way legally...

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