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Now that the Orams have won, what does the future hold ?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:54 am

miltiades wrote:VP , Criminal activities take place in every nation on earth , but as you your self stated these criminals were prosecuted by the authorities of the ROC . Have any criminals in the part of Cyprus that is not under the control of the ROC been prosecuted by the authorities there , I doubt it ,It is a disgrace that any Cypriot owned land either by Greeks or Turkish should be illegally sold. Your rigid position concerning our islands problems and your insistence that the present solution is final lets me to refer you to what I said in another thread to a poster .

""Simarik bir cocuk gibi davraniyorsun"

Are you referring to pseudo criminal activites? and pseduo sales of land in a pseduo country that doesnt exsit according to Gc logic :eyecrazy: therefore you have nothing to worry about do you?
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Postby Noaxetogrind » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:10 am

Kifeas, You have completely lost me as your response bears absolutely no relation to my comments. I have learnt fast that not to agree with the hardline stance taken by many GC contributors in their eyes and obviously yours too makes me a Turkophile or I am creating propaganda. I have no connections with either community other than as a teenager I lived in Limassol from 1961 to 1963 when all our non-British family friends were Greek Cypriots. They were really great people.

You say 200,000 GCs don't live in properties. I doubt that this is true and will check this with a GC friend here. It may have been the case when I visited the south shortly after the invasion but GCs are well known for being good business men and entrepreneurs so surely some houses could have been built for them in 32 years.

I do sympathise with them but I sympathise more with the TCs and the situation they found themselves in from the end of 1963 and in the years up to the invasion.

Many GCs seem to accept the dreadful situation the TCs were in but I have yet to find any of them in this forum accepting that the GC people had anything to do with it. Eoka and the other organisations and political forces creating that problem ,which was the route cause of the invasion, could not have existed and thrived without support of the populace. Similarly many Germans after WW11 denied that the people in general had anything to do with the rise of the nazi party but their actions in this rise are now universally accepted not least by Germans themselves. I hope that in due course GCs will have the strength of the Germans and come to terms with their part in causing the island's division. I wonder whether the lack of this has something to do with the teachings in your schools?

I must admit,however, that it would be easy ,after reading the rantings of many GCs in this forum to lean even more on the side of the TCs but I must keep remembering that there are thousands of reasonable GCs and avoid this temptation.
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Postby Alexis » Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:54 am

As a member of just a few days standing I must admit my sympathies lie mainly with the Turkish Cypriots on most points.

I am well aware that there are thousands of peace loving people on both sides looking for reconciliation and reading this particular topic I see there is hope for the future as there are forward looking comments made by both communities but I have no doubt the response from three or four of the most reguar GC contributors ,who just go on and on and on, never changing their attitudes will lead to their vitriolic thoughts being converted into a rather unpleasant response.

In fear that they should advocate that I and my family should be executed for me having any sympathies whatsoever with the Turkish Cypriots I wonder if I promise not to buy any Turkish Delight in the future then their pure hatred will only result in them wanting me dead and they will leave my wife and children alone.

Hi Noaxetogrind,

I'm not sure I understand where you are coming from. Perhaps I have missed some previous posts but it's as if someone on this forum has threatened you? Having sympathies with the TC community is fine, most foreigners who ever lived in the period 1960-1974 invariably do as at this time the TC lived in enclaves and were treated with mistrust by many GCs. Remember that the violence was not one-sided even during this period and that the mistrust was also reciprocated, but I am sure that you realise this in reaching your conclusions. However I still do not see where the your impression that certain GC member's stubborness:
'will lead to their vitriolic thoughts being converted into a rather unpleasant response. ' There are plenty of TC posters on this site that have barely changed their views in their time here and yet I can't see them doing this either. Sure plenty of members on this forum feel strongly on this particular subject, however please remember that this is a forum and people here will invariably say things which they would never do in reality. I agree, that we as GC community are obliged to acknowledge our part in the partitioning of the island but I do not understand how you can compare us with the what the German people did in supporting the Nazi Party? The GC community voted in Makarios, this is true and we almost all wanted Enosis. What I want to know is what your comparisons with the Nazis are based on? Perhaps it is the Akritas Plan? The question is what evidence do you have that the GC community was complicit in its conception? If all you meant to say by your analogy is that we need to recognise that this sorry mess has as much to do with our community's mistakes as the TC's or Turkey's or Greece's then I wholeheartedly agree. If you are trying to draw analogies with the Nazis then I am afraid I do not, it is a un-constructive parallel that in my opinion is way off the mark. Anyway, here's me hoping that no one here has threatened you. This is afterall a discussion forum and I'd like to think that the majority here respect other people's point's of view (even if they completely disagree with them).
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Postby Sotos » Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:46 am

As a member of just a few days standing I must admit my sympathies lie mainly with the Turkish Cypriots on most points.

We noticed this from your first post "Noaxetogrind" ;) :lol: You are as Pro-turk as it gets and you joined this forum to support their propaganda! Tell us something we didn't know! :roll:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:20 am

amazing. as soon as anybody has anything good to say about the TC's they are labeled propagandist. Why don't you bloody criminalize it. 5 years in jail for anybody sympathising with TC's. :shocked:
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Postby Sotos » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:29 am

mrfromng here is what you said 5 minutes ago against somebody:

mrfromng wrote:This is what chrisp thinks of the north and TC's. I wouldn't waste my time with a moron like her.

:roll: "Noaxetogrind" admitted what we knew already. I didn't swear at him like you do!
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Postby zan » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:49 am

Sotos wrote:
As a member of just a few days standing I must admit my sympathies lie mainly with the Turkish Cypriots on most points.

We noticed this from your first post "Noaxetogrind" ;) :lol: You are as Pro-turk as it gets and you joined this forum to support their propaganda! Tell us something we didn't know! :roll:

And you admitted what WE already knew. You don't like not being liked.
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:36 pm

OH you guys need to stop tag teaming Sotos. I think mrfromng can handle it himself :D
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Postby zan » Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:03 pm

Jus tryin to get a piece of the action liddle lady :wink:
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Postby Rahmi » Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:36 am

militiades wrote:
VP , Criminal activities take place in every nation on earth , but as you your self stated these criminals were prosecuted by the authorities of the ROC . Have any criminals in the part of Cyprus that is not under the control of the ROC been prosecuted by the authorities there , I doubt it ,It is a disgrace that any Cypriot owned land either by Greeks or Turkish should be illegally sold. Your rigid position concerning our islands problems and your insistence that the present solution is final lets me to refer you to what I said in another thread to a poster .

""Simarik bir cocuk gibi davraniyorsun"

Squatting is not the only type of criminal activity. It would have been a blessing if the current situation was just about real estate.

The number of EOKA B militants prosecuted remain well minute compared to the deadly campaign they carried out, mostly towards TC's.

RoC let murderers get away with it, just because who they slaughtered were Turks.

Since 1974, GC's can't exercise their rights to property in the north, and exceptions apart, neither the Turks can exercise their rights in the south. But neither can they harm eachother anymore. Since 1974, people live without the fear of their houses or villages being stormed, their cars ambushed, or their loved ones dissappear.

I wish GC's were as sensitive about the TC's lives as they are about their property.
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