Multiades: Would go one further.... all Cypriots (I've met) are admirable people. Their country is similarly admired; shame they can't find an admirable solution.
Kifeas: No, I'm not drunk and, yes, I am serious. Why the insults? If you have anything constructive to add to my serious query, please feel free; otherwise, as my granny used to say "if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all". As for my contradicting myself, I was simply offering 'the other side of the coin' i.e. to illustrate a balanced viewpoint. Your signature is a 'tad' contradictory in that
surely TCs are Cypriots and, as such,
Cyprus (or part of it) belongs to them too!
Piratis: (any connection to Jack Sparrow?) Your analogy doesn't work (would think the Scots, Welsh, Irish - best not get into that subject matter

- are more than happy to have their own 'partitioned areas/countries' where, quite rightly they are proud of and can enjoy their own specific traditions). Per comment to Kifeas, TCs are also Cypriots and it is their basic human right to be allowed peaceable enjoyment of their homes wherever they may be. I have found no reference anywhere that the past problems can be laid at the TCs door so what's wrong with them having their own special 'area/country'? Is it just the ratio that you object to?