Mic wrote: The fact is that the value of land when sold outside the juristiction of the State is infinite
Kifeas wrote: What do you mean outside the jurisdiction of the state?
Wrong syntax or inaccurate explanation from my end perhaps...
An example of this would be for the Greek state to sell part of the border land of Greece to the Bulgarian State and abandoning any future juristiction on those lands. Or to sell lets say 16 square kilometers of land of Turkey to the USA to have them as completely sovereign and independent state or an extension of their American state.These sales are not permitted even if the buyer is willing to pay 100 times the value of that land. Sales of properties to other countries (e,g to have an embassy) are permitted as long as the State retains juristiction over those properties. Thats what I wanted to say.
Kifeas wrote: My property in the north is not outside the jurisdiction of the RoC.
Exactly! And it has YOU in hand to substantiate her juristiction.Losing you and losing all the other GC refugees for TCs residing in the occupied, and you will see how much juristiction she will be left with in the end! So it has very valid legal reasons to protect her own existence as a state by depriving you that right, and like I said not even the ECHR can save you, because your individual rights are not superior to the rights of the State to protect itself. You can of course ask compensation for it as every other refugee.The state violated the rights of the refugees all these years to the worse possible degree.(My wife is a refugee by the way, so I know how you feel)
wrote: Why not to any other E.U citizen or to a TC residing in the occupied areas? Have all these TC citizens of the RoC ever been deprived of their rights to buy and sell under the legal system of the RoC?
Well the fact is the TCs living in the occupied are deprived the right to sell or buy immovable properties in RoC.And you are also deprived your right to sell to TCs in the occupied.And there is not any chance that you would buy any land from a TC or a Gc in the occupied is there? Regarding the EU citizens tell me which one would be willing to buy your property and then buy it again from the TC who "has" it. And what if he buys it from you and the TC refuses to sell??
Of course I understand your question concerns the reasons why the RoC would deprive you the right to sell your property in the occupied to an EU citizen if that very remote possibility ever occured. To this question I say it will not deprive you that right. Because it will continue have control on that citizen through the EU.She will ask for her taxes for that property,for her 10% just for issuing the title and in case that EU citizen goes ahead developing that property "illegally" and violating all our laws he will be in so much trouble that he will curse the day he even bought it from you. And be sure many CID police will be watching his every step. I leave aside the fact that in the end he will not be able to sell it to anyone....