nhowarth wrote:Hi Strahd
Do you know in what areas they're looking to offer a service?
Hi Nigel,
it's "MarkyMark" here..
if you remember I came out her with the aim to provide a service like this in CY..
but the telco regulator contrived to "stitch me up" with "delaying tactics" and my ideas were even being passed on to CYTA..
I learnt this from the EU

Currently I concentrayte in providing 2 way sat platforms as an alternative, and when i hear talk about "latency" I fall about laughing as I can makl perfect phone calls via SKYPE or similar with FAR better results than the local hard wired telcos ADSL home solutions.
I'm biased, of course but the best bet for non wired rural DSL areas is to install a pro 2- way sat service on a 75cm dish and share it with a few neighbours

Sadly the kit costs £1800 and the service is £90, but five people can share it an it blows the doors off my 1.5 business - lie connection which i use as a comparisson.
There is a firm advertising a Hughes based 2 way sat platform for
£49.99 / month and £499 installed.. but you are sharing with SO many people and if you use it normally, not even heavily, you will fall victim to a "far access policy".. they will charge you for extra downloads or turn your speed down !
You get's what you pay for ..
Cyprus is GREAT for telephony, but the internet prices / service SUCK. This is why 2 way sat is VERY competitive.
Agree with the poster who nominates Netway..
When I wanted an alternative to Cyta..called all the wired providors.. only OTE and Netway bothered to respond.. the others Logos/ Prime. etc, were called twice and net based forms were filled in on the web.. NO response...
I wish we had Sweden's service /pricing and CY's weather

Take Care.