You are calling EVERY British person GREEDY, and it is laughable, because you don't know what you're saying.
I don't think lysi talks about each and every British person. I believe his is talking about the British government and that small minority of greedy British people that buy land in the occupied areas. It would be better course if lysi made this clarification with each of his posts since otherwise it sounds racist and can offend people like PaulUK who are law obeying and don't support the crimes of Turkey against Cyprus (and I believe people like Paul are the majority in the UK)
Bullshit, I am Cypriot, and I have relatives that lost their land and homes after the war. I am not blaming the British for this, though.
Doglover, the British government has a very big fault in what happened in Cyprus. While Cypriots should have been the ones to decide in a democratic way about their future, their constitution etc, the British didn't allow us to do that and they forced in Cyprus what suited their interests better, part of which was their divisive policies, since divided Cypriots are much easier to be controlled by outsiders.
Yes, maybe you are Cypriot, but I can see that you love UK (were you born and raised there?) to a degree that does not allow you to see the fault of the British in our problem. While the generalizations of Lysi are wrong (as explained above) some of his comments about the British governments are not very far from reality.