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Postby Jim » Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:36 am

Piratus Wrote
Now whats your personal fault in this? As I said before, generalizing is wrong. However the UK is a democratic country, and theoretically at least, the actions of their government should reflect the beliefs of the majority of the British people. Therefore while not every single British person is to be blamed, collectively the British people, who support such kind of governments that are so hostile against us, can not be totally excused from all responsibility. (unless of course you claim that democracy is only theoretical in the UK)

Surely when you vote for a particular political party you vote for the whole package in their manifesto; not for specific parts of it. Whether you agree or disagree; people are normally concerned with Tax, Health, Education and other things that affect their daily lives; foreign policy is not near the top of their “concerns” list. Like most people I’ve never read a manifesto of any of the political parties in the UK; I gathered my information from the media and then decided who to vote for. I’m sure you don’t agree with everything your government does in your name but by your reasoning you must be held collectively responsible for what you disagree with as well.
I personally, totally disagree with the British Governments position on the Cyprus problem. I disagreed with Iraq and did sign petitions against it as did many millions of British. Most people in the UK do sympathise with the situation in Cyprus and would like to see a fair and just settlement though again it is not a major concern in their everyday lives just like the everyday problems in the UK are not a major concern for you.


PS Miltiades; I'm working class and live in Paphos and I never read the Sun ;-))
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:07 am

Jim , the working class was perhaps the wrong term to use , in fact the correct phrase should have been the "less well off " I'm also working class and so is my wife , incidentally having a go at Sun readers is something I normally do since my son , who works with me , is a Sun reader !!

Hope you are enjoying your time in Paphos I was born in a village near by and absolutely love the place but hate the fact that the influx into Paphos of unprincipled uncharismatic lay abouts who prefer stealing to working has no doubt affected the quality of life. I'm pleased that the Brits are there and hope than more will come as they genuinely add that special ingredient that the place needs , civility , manners , charm and !! cheers
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Postby lysi » Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:45 pm

bigfatlondonboy wrote:just read this ...ha ha what a pile of and lysi should get together for a pow wow....

pantheman wrote:Why don't you back off Lysi,

He/She speaks aloud what EVERY GC really feels but in many cases don't have the balls to say it.

He/She has been consistant in His/her attacks on the british (we have freedom of speach right - unlike in turkey!) without bowing to the clever worded postings that try to put him/her down.

You can ban this person, but he/she won't go away, I sometimes wish that more GC could be like lysi then that way we won't have to say thank you when we get shafted by the british and turkish over the cyprus problems.

The stuff Lysi says , i agree , can be strong at times, but when you have been kicked in the nuts, spat on, Sh#t on and then expected to be appreciative, then, what do you expect.

To Lysi i say don't listen to these people, they just don't like to be told they are wrong and if you want to express yourself then do so.

To the other forum readers i say Lysi has a right to free expression, the attacks are against perpertrators of the STOLEN GC land, direct attacks only come when you yourselves insult him/her first.

My parting words are, all troops out of cyprus (british and turkish), Turkey out of cyprus, Cyprus is for the CYPRIOTS, long live a free cyprus.

FATSO, have you got anything interesting to say yet ?
You BRITISH think you can come & live in cyprus & take the piss out of the cypriot people, it was the WONDERFUL BRITISH who caused most of the problems in cyprus.
And its time your BRAVE ARMY pissed off back home & stop occupying cypriot land with there FREE MILITARY BASES. :roll:
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Postby lysi » Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:52 pm

laptanige wrote:Does anyone know the names of all the BRAVE CYPRIOTS who EOKA EXECUTED during the CIVIL war for in the 1950s ?
And dont forget that eoka tortured hundreds of cypriots

And dont forget that Greece supported & still support the attempted coup that lead to the TURKISH INTERVENTION mo greeks cypriots murdured by eoka in recent yeards... NO turkish cypriots murdered by eoka either THE INTERVENTION DID WORK

And remember that the BRITISH still occupy cyprus land with there free military bases in order to stop greek cypriots continuing with ENOSIS AND THE MURDER OF INNOCENTS


LAPTA NIGEL, its big mouth people like you & those other creeps from the HOMEBUYERS PRESSURE GROUP that give cyprus a bad name, i hope you enjoy living in the TURKISH BANANA REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CYPRUS with the hundreds of WANTED CRIMINALS that live there.
I take it that you agree with the EXECUTION of several brave cypriots during the anti-colonial war of independence in the 1950S ?
Have a read nigel you might learn something about the history of the country you are living in. WWW.LOBBYFORCYPRUS.ORG
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Postby Biker » Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:12 pm

lysi wrote:LAPTA NIGEL, its big mouth BRITISH people like you & those other creeps from the HOMEBUYERS PRESSURE GROUP that give cyprus a bad name, i hope you enjoy living in the TURKISH BANANA REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CYPRUS with the hundreds of WANTED BRITISH CRIMINALS that live there.
I take it that you agree with the EXECUTION of several brave cypriots by the BRITISH during the anti-colonial war of independence in the 1950S ?
Have a read nigel you might learn something about the history of the country you are living in. WWW.LOBBYFORCYPRUS.ORG

Licey, your links are to a crappy site that spouts the same bilge you do!

As for what happened 60 years ago? Apart from you, and I think it's just words because you need something to spout, who really cares anymore?

Get out from whatever sad little hole you live in and get a life, you may be able to catch up with the real world. (Although I won't bet on it!) :roll:
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Postby lysi » Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:28 pm

Biker wrote:
lysi wrote:LAPTA NIGEL, its big mouth BRITISH people like you & those other creeps from the HOMEBUYERS PRESSURE GROUP that give cyprus a bad name, i hope you enjoy living in the TURKISH BANANA REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CYPRUS with the hundreds of WANTED BRITISH CRIMINALS that live there.
I take it that you agree with the EXECUTION of several brave cypriots by the BRITISH during the anti-colonial war of independence in the 1950S ?
Have a read nigel you might learn something about the history of the country you are living in. WWW.LOBBYFORCYPRUS.ORG

Licey, your links are to a crappy site that spouts the same bilge you do!

As for what happened 60 years ago? Apart from you, and I think it's just words because you need something to spout, who really cares anymore?

Get out from whatever sad little hole you live in and get a life, you may be able to catch up with the real world. (Although I won't bet on it!) :roll:

BICKER, if you & your familly lost your homes & land & some of your family were killed or are still missing , or you could see your land being sold off cheap by greedy estate agents to even greedier people , then i think you would care.
I will not stand by and do nothing while greedy people exploit stolen greek cypriot land & property.
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Postby doglover » Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:36 pm

lysi wrote:
Biker wrote:
lysi wrote:LAPTA NIGEL, its big mouth BRITISH people like you & those other creeps from the HOMEBUYERS PRESSURE GROUP that give cyprus a bad name, i hope you enjoy living in the TURKISH BANANA REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CYPRUS with the hundreds of WANTED BRITISH CRIMINALS that live there.
I take it that you agree with the EXECUTION of several brave cypriots by the BRITISH during the anti-colonial war of independence in the 1950S ?
Have a read nigel you might learn something about the history of the country you are living in. WWW.LOBBYFORCYPRUS.ORG

Licey, your links are to a crappy site that spouts the same bilge you do!

As for what happened 60 years ago? Apart from you, and I think it's just words because you need something to spout, who really cares anymore?

Get out from whatever sad little hole you live in and get a life, you may be able to catch up with the real world. (Although I won't bet on it!) :roll:

BICKER, if you & your familly lost your homes & land & some of your family were killed or are still missing , or you could see your land being sold off cheap by greedy estate agents to even greedier BRITISH people , then i think you would care.
I will not stand by and do nothing while greedy people expliot stolen greek cypriot land & property.

Bullshit, I am Cypriot, and I have relatives that lost their land and homes after the war. I am not blaming the British for this, though. You're not making much sense with your Anti-British statements, lysi. What if the Orams had been French? Would you invade French forums, and make hateful posts towards the French? I understand you are upset about this, as I am too. But there are other tactful ways to go about it, without insulting the British.

And I will say this again... I think it's morally wrong to buy land over there that once belonged to a GC!


All those in favour of lysi being banned from this forum, raise your hand!

*raises hand*
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Postby lysi » Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:49 pm

doglover wrote:
lysi wrote:
Biker wrote:
lysi wrote:LAPTA NIGEL, its big mouth BRITISH people like you & those other creeps from the HOMEBUYERS PRESSURE GROUP that give cyprus a bad name, i hope you enjoy living in the TURKISH BANANA REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CYPRUS with the hundreds of WANTED BRITISH CRIMINALS that live there.
I take it that you agree with the EXECUTION of several brave cypriots by the BRITISH during the anti-colonial war of independence in the 1950S ?
Have a read nigel you might learn something about the history of the country you are living in. WWW.LOBBYFORCYPRUS.ORG

Licey, your links are to a crappy site that spouts the same bilge you do!

As for what happened 60 years ago? Apart from you, and I think it's just words because you need something to spout, who really cares anymore?

Get out from whatever sad little hole you live in and get a life, you may be able to catch up with the real world. (Although I won't bet on it!) :roll:

BICKER, if you & your familly lost your homes & land & some of your family were killed or are still missing , or you could see your land being sold off cheap by greedy estate agents to even greedier BRITISH people , then i think you would care.
I will not stand by and do nothing while greedy people expliot stolen greek cypriot land & property.

Bullshit, I am Cypriot, and I have relatives that lost their land and homes after the war. I am not blaming the British for this, though. You're not making much sense with your Anti-British statements, lysi. What if the Orams had been French? Would you invade French forums, and make hateful posts towards the French? I understand you are upset about this, as I am too. But there are other tactful ways to go about it, without insulting the British.

And I will say this again... I think it's morally wrong to buy land over there that once belonged to a GC!


All those in favour of lysi being banned from this forum, raise your hand!

*raises hand*

OK DOGLOVER, what are you doing to stop the greedy estate agents from dealing in stolen greek cypriot land ? have you ever confronted them ?
Would you tell people not to buy property in the occupied areas ?
Go on DOGLOVER ban me but keep the pro-occupation forum members, let them exploit & profit from the misery of thousands of greek cypriot refugees.
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Postby doglover » Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:57 pm

Have you confronted them?

I have told British people in real life conversations that I think it is morally wrong to buy land that once belonged to a Greek Cypriot in the occupied areas.

How are the British members of this forum profiting from the misery of thousands of GC refugees?

Do you know of a forum member that has bought land that once belonged to a GC? If so, bring him to me, and I will deal with him accordingly. But until then... back off with the Anti-British insults.
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Postby lysi » Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:03 pm

doglover wrote:Have you confronted them?

I have told British people in real life conversations that I think it is morally wrong to buy land that once belonged to a Greek Cypriot in the occupied areas.

How are the British members of this forum profiting from the misery of thousands of GC refugees?

Do you know of a forum member that has bought land that once belonged to a GC? If so, bring him to me, and I will deal with him accordingly. But until then... back off with the Anti-British insults.

DOGLOVER, You attack me a cypriot whos familly lost there homes & land & several members of my familly during the turkish invasion. But you dont like it because i complain about the greedy who are buying & SELLING property that is built on stolen greek cypriot land, you sit by and do nothing while the GREEDY profit from the misery of thousands of greek cypriot refugees, these greedy are fueling a building boom in the OCCUPIED areas.
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