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Postby Piratis » Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:57 pm

Greece stills supports the coup? And in the 50s it was a civil war? And the British bases are in Cyprus to protect the innocent? Are you really that stupid?

What you are for sure is a criminal crook. The good thing with your case is that you supplied us with your photos and everything. You say a lot of nonsense, however bragging about your crimes against us and at the same time giving out your photos is such a stupid move I started to wander if in those photos it is really you or somebody else that you want to harm.
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Postby hunter » Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:57 pm

oops sorry lysi (miss spelt your nick... must be the wine...)

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Postby bigfatlondonboy » Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:14 pm

just read this ...ha ha what a pile of and lysi should get together for a pow wow....

pantheman wrote:Why don't you back off Lysi,

He/She speaks aloud what EVERY GC really feels but in many cases don't have the balls to say it.

He/She has been consistant in His/her attacks on the british (we have freedom of speach right - unlike in turkey!) without bowing to the clever worded postings that try to put him/her down.

You can ban this person, but he/she won't go away, I sometimes wish that more GC could be like lysi then that way we won't have to say thank you when we get shafted by the british and turkish over the cyprus problems.

The stuff Lysi says , i agree , can be strong at times, but when you have been kicked in the nuts, spat on, Sh#t on and then expected to be appreciative, then, what do you expect.

To Lysi i say don't listen to these people, they just don't like to be told they are wrong and if you want to express yourself then do so.

To the other forum readers i say Lysi has a right to free expression, the attacks are against perpertrators of the STOLEN GC land, direct attacks only come when you yourselves insult him/her first.

My parting words are, all troops out of cyprus (british and turkish), Turkey out of cyprus, Cyprus is for the CYPRIOTS, long live a free cyprus.
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Postby hunter » Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:20 pm

whoa, Piratis....

who are you talking about?

whose pic have you seen?

hope you don't own a gun!!!!
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Postby Piratis » Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:28 pm

who are you talking about?

I was referring to laptanige, who is one of the crooks living in stolen GC property.

hope you don't own a gun!!!!

and 200 bullets. Why you hope I don't have one? The gun was given to me by the state in case we need to fight against those criminals that stole our land. Every country has the right to defend its borders from foreign invaders. Cyprus is not an exception.
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Postby hunter » Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:32 pm

Sorry just don't believe in violence,

was brought up to believe that there is some good in all man kind...

(you might need to dig deep to find it)

but it's there........
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Postby Piratis » Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:50 pm

was brought up to believe that there is some good in all man kind...

So maybe if you ask really nicely the Orams, laptanige etc will leave from our properties? Sorry hunter, but I don't share your optimism. There is no good inside the criminal crooks like the Orams. They will stick to their crimes and illegalities for as long as they can.
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Postby rawk » Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:52 pm

Sotos is out for the Orams, Piratis for laptanige! Its getting like the Sopranos!

God knows what would happen if lysi was let loose!


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Postby Piratis » Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:20 pm

The only thing I am after is justice.

When you commit crime against a whole country, and then you have the nerve to brag about it, then I think it goes without saying that at some point something not very nice can happen to you.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:39 am

Pantheman , the UK was the nation that the vast majority of emigrating Cypriots went to for mainly the chance to get a better life for themselves and their families , the UK has provided a standard of living and varying opportunities for our community to prosper and in many ways also provided to those of us who fully appreciate the most precious gift that man can have , the right to express our views without fear of persecution. The clerk who addressed your auntie"""question her about how she came to have a UK passport."" was entirely out of order and certainly not at all representative of the British administrative work force.
Not everything in the UK is good , indeed I have on many occasions expressed my views on a variety of subjects and at no time any English / British FORUM MEMBERS took me to task. I know the English as well if not better than the English know them selves, for the simple reason that I can be on the outside looking in where my wife for instance who is English does not have this " advantage "

As far the Brits buying property in the occupied part of Cyprus they fall into one and only one category.
They buy in the North mainly because the prices are much lower than in the ROC , they dont give a shit about the political consequences of their actions because this breed of Brits , working class mostly , are out for only one thing , the sun , the sea, a good piss up and provided they can get hold of the Sun newspaper they are as happy as can be. Amongst the Brits who have bought property in the occupied part you will not encounter sophisticated , educated , thinkers , or people with high levels of political conscience coupled with accentuated moralistic values. The prime reason as stated above is one of finding a "bargain" and grabbing it. The Orams are not criminals , they fall into the above breed of people and I'm sure they are regretting their thoughtless act right now.
The important thing is for us Cypriots to focus on finding a solution to our problem without resorting to "fatwas " against individuals. International opinions do matter a great deal and we do not want the wrong images portrayed since you know well enough that the vast majority of Cypriots are by nature peace loving people.
Many of us in the UK are involved in a variety of events , constructive towards "Cyprus awareness" and the need to keep the Cyprus issue as high up as possible. Negative and destructive comments do not help at all since our aim is to , just as the Turkish Cypriot Imam said , "live together with our Cypriot brothers as we did before the SHEITAN arrived.
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