don't call me darling, please. Thankyou. And yes, my name is Elena, as my signature clearly indicates.
For the record, my fiancee IS Cypriot (born and raised here) and he makes me damn proud. He too is on a rescue mission to save the dogs and cats of Cyprus. : )
Shocking, huh? Believe it or not, but there are many Cypriots like myself that think very differently than you. And they too make me proud.
Look at miltiades, for instance. I admire his open mindedness.
You on the other hand, are close minded. Close mindedness is not a label for people who are not knowlegeable. That is what I call ignorance. Close mindedness is willful ignorance, the unwilingness to see what is before them, and the unwillingness to see it for what it is.
It doesn't hurt to accept that Cyprus is far from being perfect. But I guess it does hurt for you... which is why you will ignore everyone elses opinions, because your mind invents whatever truth it is comfortable with, so that it may persist in its delusions.
The reason that closeminded people are prone to hate (eg. pantheman, and Lysi) is because they are afraid of innovation and change, and these fears lead to anger, and this anger leads to hate.
"Just carry on you good doggy work, and leave the politics to others."
I will carry on, and I can continue to go to bed at night, feeling good about myself, knowing that I have contributed towards making Cyprus a better place. If we were to leave the politics to people like you, we'd all be doomed.
I am 25 years old. How old are you pantheman?
Of course you are going to fire back now, and say something very clever like "If you don't like Cyprus, leave." or "Go have sex with your doggies."