Lysi. you illustrate my point exactly. Shut The Flip Up. ha ha ha STFU!!!!!!!!!!
Mickleham...... it's your mind mate..... cock robin, cock sparrow, cock ...opposite off hen......STFU!!!! OK. Are you Lysi in disguise? (((Since when is either STFU or cock profane???? I don't think either fits the definition in any dictionary i have looked in today! So get your facts straight.))))))
Andri-cy............ are you lysi in disguise as well???????????????????
Lysi and co will only choose to comment on what suits the particular titfer they wear today..and its usually the same unwashed scabby boring anti-brit tirade hat with holes in.........
and on the subject of brit bases (you started this dont forget), where would your people be without the money and jobs (that pay well over the average wage offered to the majority of people working hard on this island to make ends meet) that these bases afford and that you protect to keep other Brits from working there??????????
I have a very good cypriot friend, Chris, who thinks your 'get the bases out but give me the money' mob are totally insane, irrational and blinkered. I have to say i agree with him.
Better off farming or scrounging on the dole playing backgammon all day coz there would be no other jobs?????
I doubt it. Get real and get your own goverment to change it if they dont like it.