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Questions for Moaning Cypriots

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Postby anastasiaC » Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:58 pm


I appreciate that you support Cyprus so much but living in Australia with your family might not give you the best view to assess how it is to live daily in Cyprus today.

And yes, Cypriots, most of them, are not "critic friendly". They always find an excuse to criticize the critics... negative criticism, not constructive criticism, unjustified criticism...

Some of our criticism might be a bit too much, fair enough. And we obviously are not that unhappy here. But we still can voice our opinion. If the only reply I get is "leave the country if you don't like it", I can only think that the level of maturity of the poster is not exactly where it should be.

By the way, this is not an attack towards you. I like your posts and you seem to be very moderate in your views which I appreciate.

Best regards

Hi Laurent

I actually lived in Cyprus for just over 5years and even though I was born and raised in Australia, Cyprus still means a lot to me and my family.

I think its a lot harder for Cypriots living or born overseas as we too do not feel so accepted by local cypriots and that hurts...well for me it did - my time in Cyprus was both so wonderful and also so sad and loney but Im so glad I got to live there and experience life in Cyprus

I still think its wrong for us to critise the local people and their way of life
I believe we choose to live our life the way we want and I personally dont like negativity nor do i think its right of me to judge people because I dont think its right or because I wouldnt do that or live like that........
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:08 pm

I have not lived in Cyprus for a while and I am sure that if I went back I would face daily issues and get mad like a lot of people on this forum; but, I am also sure that in a lot of ways, I will be the one that has to adjust because that's the locals and if I want to live there they wont be the ones that has to change overnight as that is their "house". If you want to live in a foreign country you need to count on having to compromise and change.
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Postby G.Man » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:30 pm

lysi wrote:
Great White wrote:
lysi wrote:
Biker wrote:Why do Cypriots who dislike the British need to come to an ENGLISH language forum to do the moaning?

Why do they get so defensive about any criticism of Cyprus?

Why can they only reply to a criticism with one of their own (relevant or not) or say "if you don't like it leave"?

Aren't there any Greek language forums they can do the whining on?

BICKER, why do the BRITISH get so defensive about any criticism of BRITAIN & THE BRITISH ?
It was BRITAIN that caused most of the trouble in cyprus with there divide & rule tactics & there support for the TURKISH invasion & occupation of cyprus.
And the BRITISH still occupy cypriot land with there free military bases.


You just won the award for the "Most Immature and Stupid Post"...


Thanks for the award, but cyprus is not a BRITISH COLONY anymore, apart from the free military bases. I will continue to let people know about all the problems that BRITAIN has caused cyprus :roll:

What problems are those then Lysi?

Your imagined support for the turkish invasion? The millions of pounds we bring every year to the cyprus economy?

Yes many years ago there were some mistakes made by both the brits and the greeks... cyprus was offered to greece by the brits if they attacked bulgaria in ww1 but they declined... so instead it remained under british control... That ended in 1960, and we all know whats happened since 1960... its so easy to blame others for your problems, but in reality, only YOU hold the key to your destiny...

If all the brits pulled out of cyprus and stopped coming here like you obviously want, this place will have hyper inflation, mass unemployment, and a lot of very miserable and poor people...

Thankfully most cypriots realise this and we respect each others cultures, but there are always some bigots who just cannot see the bigger picture...

So why dont you try for a change to be a bit more positive instead of slagging all brits off as a truely open minded person would judge individuals, rather than out and out racism...

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Postby andri_cy » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:39 pm

G.Man I think we all know Lysi's feelings for Britain and the British. I think it is a lot ot ask for her/him to change a lifelong habit of hatred for new emotions like forgiveness and understanding. Dont be ridiculous! :D
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Postby G.Man » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:41 pm

andri_cy wrote:G.Man I think we all know Lysi's feelings for Britain and the British. I think it is a lot ot ask for her/him to change a lifelong habit of hatred for new emotions like forgiveness and understanding. Dont be ridiculous! :D

Sorry maybe I expect to much of a member of the fairer sex

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Postby cadaunovera » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:41 pm

nooooo i like english guys..i mean english ppl ..:p haha anws..nobody answered to what i asked! :cry: lol
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:44 pm

Well I cant answer because I dont have a queen :D
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Postby cadaunovera » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:45 pm

If everyone agree i could be the queen of Cyprus forum:p
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Postby G.Man » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:47 pm

cadaunovera wrote:If everyone agree i could be the queen of Cyprus forum:p

Are you old, stuck up, and have a mother with really bad teeth?

If so you get my vote

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Postby andri_cy » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:51 pm

LOl G.Man
Well if that is what required to be a queen then you need to confirm you have all the qualifications cadaunovera. :twisted:
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