For my sins I seem to be spending an innordinate amount of time in the arrivals 'lounge' (ha!!!) of Paphos International (oh my aching sides!!) Airport. You see I work there. And as such it has come to my attention that there a some questions that need answering.
1. Does the Policeman actually have any bullets for that gun?
2. Why do cab drivers HAVE to shout ALL the time?
3. How can such small dice make so much flippin noise?
4. What exactly is in the 'Pink and Yellow' rolls?
5. Why do they insist on putting plants in the giant ashtrays?
6. When will someone fix the dodgy wheel on the luggage trolley?
7. When are they going to retire Pedro, the donkey that powers the luggage carousel?
8. When the baggage handlers went on strike did anyone notice?
9. Where are the fire extinguishers?
10. When is the road leading to the airport going to be incorporated into the F1 season as the Cyprus Brands Hatch?
Answers on a postcard please.