The turks non-stop complain about atrocities commited by greek cypriots during the early 60's, and use that as the reason for the so called retaliation (hence invasion) of turkey in 74.(by the way turkey tried invading before but since america said no turkey didnt follow through with its plans for was only when the junta in greece declined to comply with U.S. orders that the U.S. gave the ok for turkey to invade,fearing that the U.S. would lose control of its military bases in cyprus to the greeks)
But what about all the atrocities commited by the turks to the greeks(and im not talking about 74!)
What about the greco-armenian masacre of nearly 1.1 million greco-armenian christian orthodox people.
What about the 100's of thousands of people killed in Smyrna (modern day Izmir) in 22 during turkeys independence. And as their beloved leader quoted after the masacres
"We got rid of them!"
Why dont our hellenic brothers ever complain about those atrocities commited to greeks by the turks long before the RoC existed!