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Personal Attacks

Postby Svetlana » Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:19 am

The Animal Cruelty thread reached a new low in immature behaviour and childishness. Sadly, there can no longer be any latitude in this area. Any reference to another Forum member will in future be deleted without explanation. Thise concerned should feel very ashamed this morning.

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Postby NeverSayGoodbye » Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:53 am

Ive been to the airport like 10 times but never in the city!
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Postby NeverSayGoodbye » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:12 am

Ive actually heard the opposite ..that foreign workers were modern day slaves and human trafficking is a common thing.
Also a friend of mine that worked there had her emails checked just in case she said anything they didnt like.
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Postby Hazza » Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:17 am

Personally, I'd be attempting to pick at the gold to make a bling bling necklace and ring!

Seriously though, its stunning on the outside. I guess it looks different on the inside when you are actually there rather than seeing it in photos. Must have been an amazing experience staying there Lana? What were the views like?
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Postby Sotos » Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:31 pm

What is strange is that its style is inconsistent. Very modern on the outside and very conservative on the inside. Maybe the architect was European or American but the interior design was done by the locals.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Sep 03, 2006 4:30 pm


You always remind us regarding going off subject, and here you guys are talking about a building when the subject was about "personal attacks". It's very nice for Sotos to act as if he had no part in the personal attacks on "doglover". What Sotos said regarding "doglover" having sex with her dogs, has to be to lowest point of discussion on this forum. I'm surprised he is still here to talk about "home living styles" with you, when he should have gotten his sorry ass, foul and disgusting mouth kicked off the Forum yesterday already, until he makes a very personal apologies to "doglover" first, and then to Miltiades, for the things that were said to him. Same goes to Piratis, for his lack of good judgement, by having pictures of "dog dishes" shown, when the discussion was already getting out of hand.

Apologies also need to go to "olga", who was personally attacked by "doglover" and "unique_earthlings", by questioning her intelligence. English is the second language to most of us, so just because a person can not at all time, write perfect sentences, it does not make them stupid or uneducated. So, both you ladies need to personally apologize to "olga".

The forum members should open their minds and other peoples points of view, without resorting to name calling, just because you cannot defend your argument. We all say things now and again when attacked, but Sotos deserve to get his "ass kicked around the block" few times, for the things he said to "doglover".
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Postby G.Man » Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:48 pm

sheesh, I missed all that...

No wonder the thread got deleted...

deletion of a member rarely works tho as they just sign up with a new account... sadly..

Forum moderators have a responsibility to be as impartial as possible, from what I can tell, certain forum moderators come nowhere near that requirement...

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Postby Sotos » Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:04 pm

hen he should have gotten his sorry ass, foul and disgusting mouth kicked off the Forum

I quote the above sentence for all to see who started the personal attacks again. I will wait a bit to see if Kikabu will be banned for his personal attack. This is what happened last time also when some people started to attack me because of my opinion and then when I returned the insults they didn't like it. Admin agreed with me that others started the offenses and he told me that he send warnings to them also! So why you complain about me? Because I won the insults game started by others? :twisted: If you don't want to play this game don't start it ;)
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Postby doglover » Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:01 pm

Kikapu wrote:Lana,

You always remind us regarding going off subject, and here you guys are talking about a building when the subject was about "personal attacks". It's very nice for Sotos to act as if he had no part in the personal attacks on "doglover". What Sotos said regarding "doglover" having sex with her dogs, has to be to lowest point of discussion on this forum. I'm surprised he is still here to talk about "home living styles" with you, when he should have gotten his sorry ass, foul and disgusting mouth kicked off the Forum yesterday already, until he makes a very personal apologies to "doglover" first, and then to Miltiades, for the things that were said to him. Same goes to Piratis, for his lack of good judgement, by having pictures of "dog dishes" shown, when the discussion was already getting out of hand.

Apologies also need to go to "olga", who was personally attacked by "doglover" and "unique_earthlings", by questioning her intelligence. English is the second language to most of us, so just because a person can not at all time, write perfect sentences, it does not make them stupid or uneducated. So, both you ladies need to personally apologize to "olga".

The forum members should open their minds and other peoples points of view, without resorting to name calling, just because you cannot defend your argument. We all say things now and again when attacked, but Sotos deserve to get his "ass kicked around the block" few times, for the things he said to "doglover".

I have just sent a PM to Lana regarding this. She originally said that name calling was not tolerated, and that she would delete such posts.

However, she did not delete Sotos' posts in the Animal Cruetly thread. Instead she locked the thread, so that she could remain neutral, as to not upset Piratis, who is also a moderator on this forum.

If MY posts contained personal insults, then she could have deleted them, along with Sotos' and Piratis' insulting posts, to show that one rule applies to all.

Several of my postings were deleted yesterday... and I wasn't insulting anyone. If any posting should have been deleted... it should have been the one made by Sotos on page 17 of the Animal Cruelty thread.

But I do have to question why their postings are still there. And why Lysi is allowed to insult every British person on this forum. It's one thing to have a differing opinion... but it's quite another thing when someone calls ALL British people scumbags. Do you not consider this to be an insult? Is this not against the policies of this forum?

I apologise to Olga for calling her uneducated. That was wrong of me to say. I shouldn't have made it so personal. I was getting very frustrated with the opposing views, and the picture of the dog meat dish was the final straw for me, which led me to lose my temper. I couldn't believe that a moderator had stooped so low.

Again, I apologise to you Olga.
Last edited by doglover on Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:19 pm

Sotos wrote:
hen he should have gotten his sorry ass, foul and disgusting mouth kicked off the Forum

I quote the above sentence for all to see who started the personal attacks again. I will wait a bit to see if Kikabu will be banned for his personal attack. ;)

That's not a personal attack, that is a true description of your actions towards "doglover", by telling her and her dead dog, having had sex together, you piece of shit. This isn't personal attack either. I'm still describing actions of a person, towards others.
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