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Personal Attacks

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Postby rulla » Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:22 pm

never mind the views hazza what was the price for staying there please tell us Lana
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Postby G.Man » Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:34 pm

doglover wrote: And why Lysi is allowed to insult every British person on this forum. It's one thing to have a differing opinion... but it's quite another thing when someone calls ALL British people scumbags. Do you not consider this to be an insult? Is this not against the policies of this forum?

I for one agree with you, that girl is a nasty piece of work...

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Postby Sotos » Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:53 pm

you piece of shit.

This is the second personal attack by Kikapu. So Lana and Admin how long should I wait until Kikapu is banned? Because if he is not then I will reply and rip him apart like i did with the others that tried to insult me. And Kikapu, your words don't touch me. I will explain to you why in detail soon, if you are not banned by then ;)
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Postby doglover » Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:05 pm

Sotos... do you remember the first thing you posted in the Animal Cruelty thread?

This is what you said BEFORE anyone insulted you.

"If you love animals then you should be vegetarian If you are not then better shut it and stop criticizing others when you are not any better."

"I butcher dogs to feed myself and my pet python. I am a pet lover too!!"

Can you not see why people would want to insult you?

Now, if Admin bans Kikapu for insulting you... what course of action will Admin take towards you for calling me a 'silly bitch'?

The reason you are continuing to behave like this, is because they haven't banned you yet, and you think you can get away with murder.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:09 pm

Sotos wrote:
you piece of shit.
I will reply and rip him apart like i did with the others that tried to insult me. And Kikapu, your words don't touch me. I will explain to you why in detail soon, if you are not banned by then ;)

Come on "big man", lets hear more filth from your mouth. You never asked the admins permission before, so don't start now. Have you apologized to "doglover" yet.??
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Postby Sotos » Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:27 pm

Sotos... do you remember the first thing you posted in the Animal Cruelty thread?

This is what you said BEFORE anyone insulted you.

"If you love animals then you should be vegetarian If you are not then better shut it and stop criticizing others when you are not any better."

"I butcher dogs to feed myself and my pet python. I am a pet lover too!!"

There was nothing personal in what I said. I was saying that those that complain about animal cruelty and eat animals are hypocrites and this is my opinion and not a personal attack on anybody. You first started to get personal when you said something about my parents.

Come on "big man", lets hear more filth from your mouth.You never asked the admins permission before, so don't start now. How you apologized to "doglover" yet.??

The only filth is coming from your mouth. Again you are personally attacking me and insulting me. How can anybody blame me if I reply to you? And are you doglover's lawyer? Who told you that it is your business what I say in the forum? You are just a member here like me and I have been in the forum for longer than you!
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:36 pm

Sotos wrote:The only filth is coming from your mouth. Again you are personally attacking me and insulting me. How can anybody blame me if I reply to you? And are you doglover's lawyer? Who told you that it is your business what I say in the forum? You are just a member here like me and I have been in the forum for longer than you!

Trust me, I have not come anywhere close to personally attacking or insulting you ...yet, but I'm sure you will give me plenty of reasons to do so soon. You see Sotos, you can't help being nasty to people. It must come natural to you. You must be what you eat I guess. If you want to change that, stop eating with the flies in the toilet.!
Last edited by Kikapu on Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:36 pm

Sotos wrote:

"""I was saying that those that complain about animal cruelty and eat animals are hypocrites "".

What a load of absolute crap , how old are you , and where do you keep your brains , no doubt you steore them away in the shade , what rubbish !!!!
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Sotos Sotos Sotos

Postby chedda » Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:47 pm

I thought when i first joined this forum you were intelligent and i was genuinely interested in your postings. Whats happened ? This is pure playground stuff " but teacher he started it " or "anyway i've been here longer than you" , "na na na na na" next it will be "i can't hear you i can't hear you". Get a grip if someone insults you kindly remind them of their mistake don't bite straight away that way you lose for sure.
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Postby Admin » Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:05 pm

Thread locked.

I am glad to see that some members have taken the warnings that have been sent seriously.

Unfortunately it appears that some more warnings will need to be send. Miltiades and Kikapu check your Inbox and please do not ignore my message to you.

I hope this is the last time such thing will be required and that no further measures will be required.

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