Snad wrote:Which "Wacko's" are you referring too?
The Microphone are right mate
It's called the multicultural experiment. And it's failed. But they wont admit it.
No christmas plays. Roads and streets named after 'famous' muslims. Muslim only schools. 30% of muslims want sharia law. 'UK born muslims acting as suicide bombers in the UK. yet still Blair rams it down our throats that muslims and islam is cool. See a pattern??????
We can see. Blair and his PC cronies can't or won't. Yet they continue to force this stuff on the English person.
There will be a bloodbath. Enoch Powel was right. We just didnt understand who he was on about.
I got out. I fear for my country, my kids and grandchiildren.
Kikapu wrote:Welcome to the world of "Capitalism". It was once said, "that if you give a capitalist enough rope, he will end up hanging himself". Capitalist would sell their own mother, for a profit. So it is a little hypocritical now to blame "multiculturalism" as the cause of all the problems in the "West". If it wasn't for all the foreign minorities that move to the "West", the "West" would have remained standing still. I don't know whether Enoch Powel could have foreseen the future, but he was a racist of the worst kind, but may that as be, the West have gotten richer on the backs of the foreign cheap labour, thanks to "Capitalist".
Niki2410 wrote:Many immigrants don't even bother to learn the language or attempt to fit in with the British culture not to mention the constant threat from terrorists who have been educated, clothed and fed by the people they are murdering.
Kikapu wrote:Yes, lets throw out the "baby with the bath water". Lets condemn all immigrants, because the actions of the few. If you did that, the Westerners will not be able to find holes small enough to hide in, for their actions for the last few hundreds of years, all over the world.
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