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British if you don't like Cyprus, go home

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Yankie » Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:29 pm

Cyprus is part of EU, so the greeks have to adapt to European culture, especially since they get loads of welfare money from hardworking Europeans. Never bite the hand that feeds you. When you go on vacation then it's your right to be a total ass and take a change from the role you play at home, that's the whole point. After all, we all tolerate greeks who run after white women like a dog in heat. :wink:

Besides, cyprus is part of Eu, we must all respect the cultural diversity and the greeks have to accept that they have given up their sovereign rights for certain economic privlidges.

Even though greeks look more like arabs than white people and their music, culture, food etc. is more turkish/arab etc. with an illigitimate religion; which is probably why greeks are treated like 2nd class citizens in Germany etc. So, it is up to the greek people to prove they are just as european as the rest.

Since cyprus has been a property of one nation or another, it is only natural that they will be marginalised in their own country.
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Postby alexISS » Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:49 pm

Yankie I understand your pain, those bastard Greeks that chase all the women have left you without one for so long, you need a way to get rid of all this sexual charge... but posting racist comments is not a good way to get laid I'm afraid, sorry..
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Postby pitsilos » Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:53 pm

a yank trying to tell us how it is. whats next? bush getting the nobel peace prize?

hey yank i gotta ask this, do you know where the roc is? or greece? or turkey? how about mexico, ok an easy one, how about texas.

and while we are on the subject of who thinks of what. do you know what the average world opinion of a yank is?
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Postby Sotos » Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:57 pm

Without Greeks there would be no Europe. The Western civilization is based on the Greek civilization. And we are net givers in EU. Our GDP per capita is the 12th highest from the 25 EU countries. We didn't enter the EU for economic reasons but for security.
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Postby cars » Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:09 am

This made me laugh and just shows the arrogance, ignorance and bad attitude I have experienced with many Cypriots. The was the majority of Cypriots treat animals is disgusting, and if we want to complain then we will! Why should we move out of Cyprus, not one of us have said we hate Cyprus, maybe a percentage of the people, but leave a gorgeous island because of those idiots - no thanks!
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Postby Hatter » Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:33 am

cars wrote:This made me laugh and just shows the arrogance, ignorance and bad attitude I have experienced with many Cypriots. The was the majority of Cypriots treat animals is disgusting, and if we want to complain then we will! Why should we move out of Cyprus, not one of us have said we hate Cyprus, maybe a percentage of the people, but leave a gorgeous island because of those idiots - no thanks!

What is disgusting is your sweeping and racist generalisation. How dare you extrapolate in this way and attribute to "the majority of cypriots" from your limited experience? Unless, of course, you have conducted a scientific study, in which case we should be told. In my experience, most Cypriots treat animals well. If sweeping generalisations are the name of the game, perhaps we should talk about fox hunting in the UK, and the necessity for the RSPCA to conduct regular campaigns to prevent cruelty to animals in the UK. Either put up or shut up.
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