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British if you don't like Cyprus, go home

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby andri_cy » Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:36 pm

Snad, no one said that if you live and work in a country you cannot complain. Even the natives complain about things sometimes. I think the point that is being made here, and it should not just be specific to the brits-i think it is because they are the biggest migrating population to Cyprus-is when they move to that country and they have not one good word to speak about it. They want everyone to change everything about them so they can fit in. The truth is that if you move to a country you should expect people are different. Of course some things you might want to help change, but you need to embrace a lot of it too. Do you think that I liked everything about the US when I moved here? Of course not. But I had to get used to some things, keep doing some things my way and try change some things. If you cant integrate, you should stay where you are and I dont mean you in particular, just anybody who moves to a totally different country and expects the people to adapt to them, learn THEIR language and their habits. It is unacceptable and naive.
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:41 pm

The same goes to Lysi living in UK. What are you doing there with so much hatress?
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Postby Snad » Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:49 pm

andri_cy wrote:Snad, no one said that if you live and work in a country you cannot complain. Even the natives complain about things sometimes. I think the point that is being made here, and it should not just be specific to the brits-i think it is because they are the biggest migrating population to Cyprus-is when they move to that country and they have not one good word to speak about it. They want everyone to change everything about them so they can fit in. The truth is that if you move to a country you should expect people are different. Of course some things you might want to help change, but you need to embrace a lot of it too. Do you think that I liked everything about the US when I moved here? Of course not. But I had to get used to some things, keep doing some things my way and try change some things. If you cant integrate, you should stay where you are and I don't mean you in particular, just anybody who moves to a totally different country and expects the people to adapt to them, learn THEIR language and their habits. It is unacceptable and naive.

Hi andri
Indeed you are right in what you say, but the way Lysi speaks everyone would think we are like the propaganda she puts out and I object to that.

I know Lysi is a radical, but sometimes I feel she goes to far! :roll:
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Postby andri_cy » Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:49 pm

Of course it goes for Lysi too if he/she lives in the UK
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Postby ausbroker » Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:03 pm

in all seriousness what isnt wrong with cyprus?
all the people there think they are in the greates country in the world bar none. i think they are all wrong and do you know why? because i have left and travelled round, and seen what the world has to offer.
the country is beutiful and i love it to bits, but you know why i and so many other cypriots dont live there???
because the whole country is really f*&ked.
i mean look at everything, its all corrupt.
the political system is f&*ked.
wages f^&ked
laws f$%ked
its just plain f%^ked and im sick of people thinking its the be all and end all of the whole planet.
take a look around you and see whats happening.
people are struggling to live, they are all in great debt. and the gov does jack shite about it.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :evil:
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Postby Snad » Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:31 pm

lysi wrote:
ausbroker wrote:in all seriousness what isnt wrong with cyprus?
all the people there think they are in the greates country in the world bar none. i think they are all wrong and do you know why? because i have left and travelled round, and seen what the world has to offer.
the country is beutiful and i love it to bits, but you know why i and so many other cypriots dont live there???
because the whole country is really f*&ked.
i mean look at everything, its all corrupt.
the political system is f&*ked.
wages f^&ked
laws f$%ked
its just plain f%^ked and im sick of people thinking its the be all and end all of the whole planet.
take a look around you and see whats happening.
people are struggling to live, they are all in great debt. and the gov does jack shite about it.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :evil:

YES AUSSIE, it was & still is the BRITISH who have srewed up CYPRUS :roll:

Oh Lysi do act your age for a change and get a life. Its getting very boring!!
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Postby lysi » Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:33 pm

Snad wrote:
lysi wrote:
ausbroker wrote:in all seriousness what isnt wrong with cyprus?
all the people there think they are in the greates country in the world bar none. i think they are all wrong and do you know why? because i have left and travelled round, and seen what the world has to offer.
the country is beutiful and i love it to bits, but you know why i and so many other cypriots dont live there???
because the whole country is really f*&ked.
i mean look at everything, its all corrupt.
the political system is f&*ked.
wages f^&ked
laws f$%ked
its just plain f%^ked and im sick of people thinking its the be all and end all of the whole planet.
take a look around you and see whats happening.
people are struggling to live, they are all in great debt. and the gov does jack shite about it.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :evil:

YES AUSSIE, it was & still is the BRITISH who have srewed up CYPRUS :roll:

Oh Lysi do act your age for a change and get a life. Its getting very boring!!

SNAD, if my posts are so boring, then why do you reply to them ? :roll:
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Postby ausbroker » Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:42 pm

look lysi you cant blame the brits for everything.
they have a different standard to what a cypriot has.
its like australia.. there are certain standards i expect now, and when i go to countrys that dont have those standars i complain
for example, in cy i noticed people dont wait in que's or lines.
i went to mcdonalds in larnaca and people where pushing in in front of me like they own the place.
its just plain rude.
people driving whilst drunk and not giving a damn...
going through red lights.
takeing russian girls passports and forcing them to work in brothels
where are our LAWS????

when i saw the police officers belt those two kids, that was the final straw
thats when i relised its not the paradise we think.
it could be... but in the state its in its not...
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Postby Sotos » Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:55 pm

There is no paradise anywhere. Every place has its good thinks and bad things! If you think that UK has more good things and less bad things than Cyprus then take the first plane and good bye. It is really annoying when foreigners come to Cyprus and do nothing more than complain! :x
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Postby bigfatlondonboy » Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:01 pm

i complain every day about the cypriots .....they are bloody rude at work and as soon as i ask them to speek slowly because i,m english and still learning they go off in right old my cypriot pal at work says ..fvck em...
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