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British if you don't like Cyprus, go home

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Snad » Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:09 am

Hi Tess

Don't think they do, but I am sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
I had my boy neutered and it cost 50cyp, cheaper than in UK
I was also asked if my boy could be used as stud and they were horrified at this too.

Sorry people to go off topic!! :oops:
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Postby andreasv » Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:59 am

As an Australian I feel that if someone enters another country they need to accommodate for culture, idiosycracies, customs and traditions.....if they don't like it they have made a choice to enter therefore they have choice to exit.......I do agree though that there are some issues that need to be addressed such as women's rights, childrens rigths especially aroubd ownership, homosexuality, peace and war
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Postby andreasv » Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:01 am

anyway have a good nite am going for a power nap before heading out for a dance
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:56 pm

Niki2410 wrote:
Kikapu wrote:When it comes to immigrants, some of you people, like yourself, my friend Miltiades, and few others, can't seem to "see the forest through the trees". I'm not going to use the "race card" here because I don't know any of you personally to make that call. However, when ever there is security issues, unemployment issues, religion issues, overcrowding issues, the immigrants are the ones the fingers are pointed at. Why is that? They were allowed to come, to live and work in the West. They do not need to lose their identity to be welcomed. They work hard, very family oriented, make huge contributions to the nations they live in, and very often, they keep their mouths shut, when they have been discriminated by others, as not to create trouble, since they will be the victims of those troubles again. They adapt as much as they can to the traditions of the nation they live in. Often, it will take 2nd and 3rd generation of an immigrant to be fully integrated to the host nation, and still their skin colour will be seen as a foreigner. If the West doesn't want immigrant, then keep their doors shut. It is that simple. If you have an issue with immigrants, take it up with your Government, that you have elected to put there. They know how to run a country with immigrant labours, or else, you will be paying £10 pounds for your lousy Big Mac.

How many times have I said that the decent hard working immigrants are not an issue and I welcome them???? Selective memory I feel Kikapu.

I do however agree that our government is totally useless at contolling immigration but then I didn't vote for them - in fact the majority of the British people didn't vote for Labour - it is the way the 'seats' are elected that gave them power again.

This may interest you ......

[color=darkblue]Immigrants 'behind crime wave' - police

Claim by Britain's most senior officer sparks new asylum row

Kamal Ahmed, political editor
The Observer

Look, I don't think you are a bad person, when you get heated over immigration. Governments from all parties invite immigrants, so you can not escape that, whether you have voted for them or not.

The "Political Asylum" seekers is another subject for another day. My main focus is on immigrants that we have invited and allowed to stay in the Western countries.

Let me drop this subject with you ( long last I hear you saying) by saying this, "we should not expect anything more from the immigrants, than we expect from our own countrymen".
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Postby doglover » Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:04 pm

unique_earthling wrote:This is something i see on a regular basis, people get given puppies as toys for their kids, they put a collar on the poor little mite, then the children torment the life out of it, and the creature grows for a couple of months, then its disgarded, kids have got fed up with it... and then it is found by us with the collar inbedded in its neck as it has not been adjusted as it grows. This is not the worst case, some have the collar so imbedded it has become part of their skin and neck... This little soul was improving by the time i took this..


:-( I've seen similar cases like this before, and much worse. I once saw a dog that was tied to a tree on an empty plot of land, with a water bowl by it's side. The dog's front leg had been run over by a car, and I could see the bone sticking out of it. The dog was tied back up by it's owners, instead of being rushed to a vet.

Would you be interested in making a documentary unique_earthling? Do you have more pictures of animals that have been mistreated? I have a friend who is a camera man for sigma. He's an animal lover like myself, so I am going to propose the idea to him. Perhaps you could narrate it in English, and I'll do the Cypriot narration. We wouldn't appear in the video; just our voices. The RSPCA show videos on their website of various kinds of animal cruelty in other parts of the world. I am sure they are concerned about animal cruelty in Cyprus too. In fact, according to this news article, they are aware of the problem in Cyprus.

Here are some excerpts:

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) yesterday issued a press release on the brutal killing of a stray dog by soldiers in Cyprus.

“The RSPCA is shocked and appalled by the reports of this barbaric act of cruelty,” the statement said.

The incident took place about a year ago, but only became public knowledge after the event – recorded on one of the soldier’s mobile phones – was forwarded to a Sigma television reporter’s phone.

Numerous reports of animal abuse by soldiers have emerged since last week’s report. Former soldiers long finished with their compulsory military term have been more than explicit in their descriptions of animal abuse and killings which they witnessed while serving in the National Guard. Examples include setting fire to a cat, smashing a cat’s head with a rock and using clubs to batter a puppy to death."

So sad! But a look on the brighter side of things, many people in Cyprus are starting to love and care for their pets. The Cyprus government condemns animal cruelty and these kind of acts are illegal under Cypriot law. They just need to start enforcing their laws over here, and put the people responsible for these acts behind bars. This kind of mentality should not be tolerated.

unique_earthling, would you please check your private messages.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:17 pm

andri_cy wrote:We have the same issues here in the US. People talk crap about the Mexicans all the time. How they take American jobs away from Americans etc etc. There are jobs for everyone that wants to work. No one is taking jobs away from Americans. The immigranmts come here to take jobs that no American wants to touch. If they will be working their butts off then they deserve to be taking some of the benefits since they pay taxes like you and me and everyone else. Like Kikapu said, cheap labor is a necessity of the West culture otherwise we wouldnt be able to afford the luxuries that we do.

Andri_cy, let me make this absolutely clear, that I do not condone Governments importing immigrant as a means of cheap (slave) labour, so that rest of us can afford luxuries and enjoy the good life at the expense of others. As the case in the States, there are estimated 12 million Mexican and other Central American "illegal immigrants". Most of us call them "undocumented" workers, because the Government has intentionally turned a "blind eye" for decades by allowing businesses to hire these people as cheap (slave) labour. These people have a very hard life, by getting all the abuse thrown at them by the "Redneck Americans" and then from the businesses, by using and abusing them, by always having the threat over them, by contacting the authorities to have them deported, unless they do what they are told, and paid very little in return. I believe, adjusted for inflation, slaves were better of financially 150 years ago, then the "undocumented" immigrants are, being paid, less than $5 dollars an hour, to work the fields and factories.

Desperate people do desperate things, and shame on the Western countries, by taking advantage of their plight. So next time people enjoy a cheap meal, specially in the States, don't forget to say "thank you" to an immigrant that has paid part of your meal, with their sweat and labour. I hear similar stories coming out of Cyprus, where those from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and even from Poland, are being paid half what a Cypriot would get, for the same job. Well, no wonder they don't want to perform their best, right Pyrpolizer.!!
Last edited by Kikapu on Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby VEX8 » Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:22 pm

Ok. If anyone is interested at all in my story [and why shouldn't you be??] i'll tell you.

For a start i am a 30 something single male with a dog [ i thought that bit was important] and no other ties or responsibilities.

I moved here to Cyprus in March. I DID do my homework before i came here and having my parents retire here 4 years ago helped with the gathering of local knowledge.
Since then i have found a job and am contributing to the state via taxes and whatnot.

Why did i chose to move here?

Partly for economic reasons, but NOT for the sort of 'economic reasons' some of you have just jumped to. I'll be honest with you, I have worked as hard as i needed to to survive in the outskirts of South East London but what future could I see for myself there? A bleak one for sure and that's just sad. I have become deeply dissillusioned with my own country, the cancer of Liberallism, the self serving polititians, the decaying health service, the demise of 'community', the way we treat our old people. The list goes on.....

For instance,

My nan lived most of her life in East London [ also where i was born] and hated the way her neighbourhood fell into ruin [in her opinion] with the influx of migrants settling there. My nan was an ardent racist and i would often feel embarasment at her often viscious verbal attacks on other races [always in private though, just between us!!] but as i have grown older and my world view has broadend i have to admit i am begining to see her point of view, not that i completely agree with her you understand, just that she has personally witnessed the changing face of English society but was herself to stubborn to change with it. This helped me forgive her attitude but now i find that my countries own policies are making me as biggoted as she was and i hate that.

And yes, before you say it i know i am now myself one of those migrants but the difference is i treat my new home country with respect.

The rise of Nationalist parties can be directly attributed to Englands own immigration policies, policies i will honestly say i do not completely understand but find frustrating none the less.

There are of course other reasons as well but when i am asked by people, Cypriots and others alike, why i have moved here my simple response " for the sunshine of course" is not alltogether an honest reply but i wonder if you would understand the sadness i feel at having come to the decision that England, my own home country, has become a place i can not find a place in my heart for. Where has my National pride gone? I brought it with me to Cyprus where i hope to be able to make a life for myself. At least here i can see passion for 'doing what's right' in the common man and not rolling over for the whims of a European parliament who are happy to send any illigal immigrant to the end of the line, England.

And yes, having just read that last passage for myself i do realise i sound like a racist biggot myself but can you understand it isn't anything to do with race, creed or colour?

If it came to war i would pick up a gun and defend my home and the home of my neighbours, believe me or not. Yes i am English but Cyprus is now my home.

I can only be honest with you here. What is the point in lying to you?

There. I've had my rant for the day and now i suppose i should take my beatings for it.
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Postby simonwjones » Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:41 pm

lysi wrote:DOGLOVER, I GOT YOUR PM, i am not allowed to pm, i have been banned from that service.
PEOPLE who abuse animals are scumbags.

Ha ha Lysis banned....which he/she was banned totally.

Lana, can you arrange this please?? :D
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Postby doglover » Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:03 pm

"I hear similar stories coming out of Cyprus, where those from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and even from Poland, are being paid half what a Cypriot would get, for the same job. Well, no wonder they don't want to perform their best, right Pyrpolizer.!!"

That's true, there are many Polish people that come here to work in hotels all over Cyprus. They are given half of what a Cypriot would get in wages. A relative of mine is a food and beverage manager for a five star hotel here, and from what I hear, the Polish are very lazy and have very little interest in what they do. They are given three month work contracts... so why should they care if they are getting paid peanuts and are due to go back to Poland in a couple of months time. Hotels have let many of their Cypriot employees go, so that the Polish can take their places.

There are many Sri Lankans that work in resturaunts (behind the scenes, in the kitchens) and are given a tremendous amount of work to do for a measly 10 pounds per day. (10 hour shifts) Some are often young students that attend colleges here. Some are treated like dirt, and shown no respect whatsoever. They are often referred to as 'O mavris'. (the black man) That is so racist. They are such hard workers... do they not deserve an extra ten pounds for all their efforts and hard work? They deserve it.
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Postby simonwjones » Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:05 pm

simonwjones wrote:
lysi wrote:DOGLOVER, I GOT YOUR PM, i am not allowed to pm, i have been banned from that service.
PEOPLE who abuse animals are scumbags.

Ha ha Lysis banned....which he/she was banned totally.

Lana, can you arrange this please?? :D

Wish, not which.....too much English beer last night!!!
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