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British if you don't like Cyprus, go home

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby The Microphone » Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:26 pm

If you have 3 nationalities, i'm not surprised you're confused mate.:-)

Capitalsim exists even in communism. 'Some pigs are more equal thatn others'. Remember that line?

Greed is greed no matter what coat it wears. If you want a good example of greed, look no further than Tesco in the UK. A shining smiley face- beneath lies one of the greediest and most ruthless businesses- how do i know? I was a supplier for nearly 20 years.

I understand to a point what you say. OK?
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:32 pm

The Microphone wrote:If you have 3 nationalities, i'm not surprised you're confused mate.:-)

Not confusing at all....It allows me choices....That's a good position to be in...
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Postby The Microphone » Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:36 pm

Fair point. LOL
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:48 am

"" If the Christian countries did not invite the Muslims to come and live amongst them, they would not be there. There were benefits to be gained by the inviting countries, and they did benefit a lot. Only when the numbers become too large (immigrants), they start screaming bloody Mary.!! ""

Kikapu , precisely. TO LIVE AMONGST THEM as part of a nation not a self inflicted isolation with total disrespect for the host nation's culture and rules. They live amongst us and they hate our way of life.The answer is staring them in the face and its an option that is available to them
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:11 pm

miltiades wrote:"" If the Christian countries did not invite the Muslims to come and live amongst them, they would not be there. There were benefits to be gained by the inviting countries, and they did benefit a lot. Only when the numbers become too large (immigrants), they start screaming bloody Mary.!! ""

Kikapu , precisely. TO LIVE AMONGST THEM as part of a nation not a self inflicted isolation with total disrespect for the host nation's culture and rules. They live amongst us and they hate our way of life.The answer is staring them in the face and its an option that is available to them

My friend Miltiades,

When these people were ask / invited to live amongst us, they were not asked to leave their religion, culture, social behavior, habits, dress code and what ever else you can think of, at the port of entry. The point is, we need these people more than they need us. The way the negative birth rate is going in the West, the Western economy and future economic stability will collapse. As we speak, Europe will need further 20 million immigrants in the next 25 years, just to keep pace with the labour required to keep our way of life. As the immigrants numbers grown, they have began to take few thing for granted, and will get worse as time goes on. You can blame the Western society for requiring both parents to work in order to make a living, so they are having less and less kids, which is a major problems for the future generations. When I said at an earlier post, that, had it not been for immigrants, the West would have stood still.

I hope you can appreciate, that almost all immigrants who are living in the West, are not criminals or even bad people. There are more natives who rip off the governments welfare system than immigrants. The stories I used to hear, how the natives would work for cash /under the table, and same time claim unemployment from the government. On top, they would get their house mortgages paid by the government also.

Bottom line is, the Western societies has chosen a particular way of life, that will be impossible to do without immigrants from now until eternity. You know, eternity is a bloody long, long, long time. In about 50 years from now, the West will look like, well, actually you will not be able to tell the difference anymore, East from West or West from East.!
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Postby charlotte » Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:33 pm

why dont you take it from our point of view and see that for foreigners living here in cyprus isn't so easy and its not only the british that complain i believe you will find that people from other countries complain to ... all foreigners come here because they believe it will make them happier and when the cypriots give them a hard time and things are not going the way they planned it to and find it hard to live here, then yes they will complain like anybody would ...the cypriots that go to england complain about everything the expences the way of life about everything so why dont they go back to cyprus ... it doesn't work that way im afraid to say if it was the way you want it to be then every country would have only thier own nationality in it and what would happen to the english cypriots then where would they be coz in your eyes they are not welcome anywhere!!!!
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Postby marge » Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:20 am

As a British citizen living in scotland, also married a cypriot, and second marriage to west indian, feel i have no predjidices, but find myself getting slowly frustrated and angry when our children cannot perform the nativity in primary and junior schools, incase it offends the ethnic minority, also i work in a very well known supermarket and we were not allowed to hang any xmas decorations or christmas lights etc. last year incase it offended. This year Alton Towers had a muslem only day, whats that all about, can you imagine if we had a Christian only day? :(
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Postby miltiades » Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:07 am

Kikapu let me absolutely clear on this issue.
The West , and Britain in particular , is currently under the constant threat of fanatics who are hell bent on changing our way of life and actively encourage their supporters to focus on changing our nation beyond recognition by the use of force driven by a sick and perverted ideology that defines our culture as evil and sees only a return to stone age as the alternative. I'm not religious as you well know and I can stand aside and judge the various "sects" objectively.
I do not advocate racist policies but I do firmly believe in the cliche " when in Rome do as the Romans do "
The immigrants from some parts of the world appear to go out of their way to remain entirely separate from other citizens , their dress sense in the 21st century , is frankly an oddity that sticks out like a sore thump. Progressive people change with times and do not remain buried in medieval times. You come to the UK , do not expect the UK to go back 2 thousand years to accommodate you , while at the same time you are ripping all the benefits.
As for your comment that we need them more than they need us , come on now , in yesterdays Sunday Times a study published reveals that the 1 out 4 restaurants in the UK is Bangladeshi - Pakistani , presumably the UK will suffer greatly if some thousands of restaurants closed down. The Eastern Europeans will soon make up the loss believe me.
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Postby The Microphone » Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:08 am

marge wrote:As a British citizen living in scotland, also married a cypriot, and second marriage to west indian, feel i have no predjidices, but find myself getting slowly frustrated and angry when our children cannot perform the nativity in primary and junior schools, incase it offends the ethnic minority, also i work in a very well known supermarket and we were not allowed to hang any xmas decorations or christmas lights etc. last year incase it offended. This year Alton Towers had a muslem only day, whats that all about, can you imagine if we had a Christian only day? :(

And do you know that there is only ONE party that will stand against this crap we have to put up with. Yep. You know it. The BNP. (Look how their vote has increased in 'multicultural' areas!) Then ask yourself WHY?

They are the only ones to say what real poeple think but are afraid to say. Then they get banged up for it.

Blair and Brown and the PC brigade cant see but they are playing straight into their hands The more they alienat and p*ss on the white english/christian, the stronger the vote for the BNP will become. The more we are made to feel second class, the more you'll see the BNP vote grow.

They'll whinge and whine about the 'racist' BNP etc etc, but cant see that its something they have created themselves.

When you are sick enough of being an immigrant in your own country, in order to save yourself, your vote will go in that box too. Why? Because when you look at the options, you'll find its the only one that'll matter.

And don't tell me 'I'll never vote for the BNP. Given the choice of of Omar Bakri or some other ethnic candidate who will NOT act in your interests, you'll know where you have to put your cross. (Failing that, ask the residents of somewhere like Burnley!)

Think about it!

And before anyone asks, no i aint in the BNP!!!!!!
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Postby laptanige » Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:05 am

As a former resident of Burnley the blame lies with MULITCULTURISAM

there is only one national culture others who come to live in a country should accept the ways and customs of theat country learn the language and intigrate into that society.

Filure to do so leads to mis trust division and a breakdown of society.

How can it be right that 3rd and 4the generation imigrents still fefer to themselves as asian for example !!
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