Kikapu wrote:"If you work hard enough you will make it" is nothing more than a joke. There are people working two or three jobs, 16 hours a day sometimes, and being away from their families, just to make enough for rent and food. Of course, there those who do make it, but I doubt if most will ever get into various positions or the pay, that is "reserved" for the host nations citizens. This is not just in the UK, I'm talking about in general of the Western World.
Yes - working hard doesn't necessarily mean financial success but this is the same for any culture from any background - not just immigrants.
However, they earn more respect than just expecting the taxpayers to fund their laziness and there are many 'immigrants' who have been very successful. How did they make it if the better jobs were reserved for the host nation?
The problem is that the 'west' and in particular the UK who have a more relaxed policy than France for example sees more and more immigrants coming into the county who do not work and at some point the tax from people working will not be enough to cope with having to pay for the increasing number of non - working immigrants.