jazzy1 wrote:arghhh I knew this would happen soon.
Been here since wed last week and I knew it wuld be too good to be true.
I was standing at Orphinedes waitng behind some men wanting to weight their fruit and veg, when along comes a women and plonks her fruitbag on the till infront of them, they did not batter an eyelid and the lady carried on weighing there fruit. When she has finished, i thought ok, this lady that has just gone in front of me has only one thing and i have 5, so i will allow her to go infront.
Then someone queued the other side of the ladt in front of me, and I thought oh ok I am queing the wrong side, so I walked behind the lady on the other side and waited.
THEN.......A long comes lady number 3 and plonks her stuff right in front of me at the scales...... er hello... excuse me I said, I am next....
she says to me..yeah yeah whatever go on then, you are standing there doing nothing so you know....
er no, I am in the queue waiting for the lady in front to finish. that is what a queue is for.
yes terrible isnt it she replied, how disgusting that we just push in front of you, just disgusting.
well needless to say at this point i realised that she was acting like a complete child (although she was 50 odd id say)
and had to have the last word, and reply to everything by saying, yes disgusting isnt it, that I just got my things weighed and moved on....
ohhh I was soooo annoyed!!!!
is it just me, is it not rude!!!!!
But normally this sort of rudness would frustrate me for the rest of the day, however I remembered advice given on here.
You can never change the greeks, so just go with them!!!!
I don't think we can tar everyone with the same brush. There are many Cypriots that are polite and helful and there are those who are down right rude.
It does take some getting used to and the ones that push in at the fruit and veg line, will probably be stodd behind you at the check-out. So did pushing in help them?
I rest my case.