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Cyprus slams Turkish F1 'trick'

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Postby Strahd » Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:04 pm

Issy1956 wrote:Kifeas,
So the notion that in the absence of an overall comprehensive settlement in which the TC community and its representatives can play a role in a "United Cyprus" government Talat or whoever is the representatives of the TC's at the time will come and recognise you as the sole legitimate government of the whole island is pure fantasy and will never happen. This point is at the heart of the problem. Until you recognise that you have no god given right to represent the TC community we will never reach a settlement.

You are wrong Issy. The administration of the ROC is not ours or yours, it is for the whole island of Cyprus. Your elected leader could have been part of it if you was not a pawn of Turkey. Then you would have your say equal to every citizen of the republic. This is what no one of your "elected" leaders ever had the guts to propose because he is scared shitless. Talat is not the representative of the TC community. He is an illegal representative of the Turkish occupation regime you call TRNC.
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Postby Issy1956 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:42 pm

Say what you like it makes no difference to reality on the ground. The ROC is a GC dominated administration that masquarades as the government of the whole Cyprus-which clearly it is not. It does not now or has it ever done since 63 represent the TC's. That is the reality. Surely you as intelligent and articulate man can see that from our point of view. You call them muppets or puppets its makes no difference the TC community has to get on with their lives and cannot wait forever for a settlement. No one has ever denied that they are totally reliant on their mainland cousins for support and frankly without their help we would have long been driven off the island by the GC majority either physically or by economic neccessity.
The reason you dont see the TC's demonstrating in the streets to remove the Turkish troops back to Turkey is very simple. Its not because they are scared or afraid or are sheep as you suggest but its quite simply that that we have no problem with the troops being here.They are not an army of occupation to us-they are our guarantee that we will not be subjected to horrors of the past. Do you understand that?
So until the prospect of a united Cyprus is more appealing than the current situation we and the troops will stay exactly where we are.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:55 pm

Issy1956 wrote:Kifeas,
Say what you like it makes no difference to reality on the ground. The ROC is a GC dominated administration that masquarades as the government of the whole Cyprus-which clearly it is not. It does not now or has it ever done since 63 represent the TC's. That is the reality. Surely you as intelligent and articulate man can see that from our point of view. You call them muppets or puppets its makes no difference the TC community has to get on with their lives and cannot wait forever for a settlement. No one has ever denied that they are totally reliant on their mainland cousins for support and frankly without their help we would have long been driven off the island by the GC majority either physically or by economic neccessity.
The reason you dont see the TC's demonstrating in the streets to remove the Turkish troops back to Turkey is very simple. Its not because they are scared or afraid or are sheep as you suggest but its quite simply that that we have no problem with the troops being here.They are not an army of occupation to us-they are our guarantee that we will not be subjected to horrors of the past. Do you understand that?
So until the prospect of a united Cyprus is more appealing than the current situation we and the troops will stay exactly where we are.

Very well said, I agree with every word as Im sure many TCs do.
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Postby G.Man » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:49 pm

lol just what we needed another tc vs gc thread...

F1 is known as the F1 Circus and its a fitting title...

The whole of F1 is a joke these days anyway, MotoGP and Superbikes are a far better spectacle, you actually get to see some close racing...

FIA did their research well as usual obviously

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Postby bg_turk » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:10 pm

EUropean666 wrote:let's see Formula's body reply.If they want to go according to the book..then turkey will be in trouble

It is too late now to undo the damage. President Talat has been introduced to an estimated 2.5 billion viewers worldwide (including shocked Greek Cypriots) as the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Another great victory in the Turkish Cypriot public relations campaign. 2.5 billion views worldwide have this moment for ever sealed in their minds :lol:
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Postby cadaunovera » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:24 pm

bg_turk wrote:It is too late now to undo the damage. President Talat has been introduced to an estimated 2.5 billion viewers worldwide (including shocked Greek Cypriots) as the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Another great victory in the Turkish Cypriot public relations campaign. 2.5 billion views worldwide have this moment for ever sealed in their minds :lol:

Rule 4: Use images only when they are required to support your post - Do not use images in your signature

Y does the admin allows you?!And especially that crappy one.
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Postby bg_turk » Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:12 am

cadaunovera wrote:Rule 4: Use images only when they are required to support your post - Do not use images in your signature

Y does the admin allows you?!And especially that crappy one.

It is a very small and discretely placed image. If you do not like it, please ignore it.
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Postby cadaunovera » Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:32 am

It doesnt say if its a small pic you can put one does it?!
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Postby Marz » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:33 am

issy tell when since the occupation has GC people ever said we will drive you out or slaughter you, or threaten you in any form or way or interfere with you at all like you have stated?

issy said "TC community has to get on with their lives and cannot wait forever for a settlement"

Why cant hey wait forever ? I sthere something you need from us more than we need from you?

issy said "Its not because they are scared or afraid or are sheep as you suggest but its quite simply that that we have no problem with the troops being here.They are not an army of occupation to us-they are our guarantee that we will not be subjected to horrors of the past. Do you understand that? "

looks like your saying they are not scared but are pretending to be scared.

Unlike your Turkish friends who have tried to dictate and threaten, GC people on certain matters. words like " dont do that if you know whats good for you" ? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?
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Postby Issy1956 » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:04 am

Your English is so poor I find it difficult to understand.
"Why cant hey wait forever ? I sthere something you need from us more than we need from you?"
I case you havent noticed no one is sitting around waiting for a settlement. They are getting on with it
"looks like your saying they are not scared but are pretending to be scared."
Unlike your Turkish friends who have tried to dictate and threaten, GC people on certain matters. words like " dont do that if you know whats good for you" ? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?
I dont understand what you are trying to say? Maybe you should take some classes in English before you try and join the debate. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?
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