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English cypriot teenagers

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English cypriot teenagers

Postby bigfatlondonboy » Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:16 pm

just who do they think they are...every night these little buggers go down town and cause havocc..... :evil:
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:18 pm

Got anything specific in mind? It sort of comes out of the blue, your statement :)
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Postby bigfatlondonboy » Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:00 pm

in larnaka..shouting ,screaming ,arguing and causing fights.i,ve seen two fights since i,ve been here and both times caused by them.... :evil:
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Postby anastasiaC » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:51 am

bigfatlondonboy wrote:in larnaka..shouting ,screaming ,arguing and causing fights.i,ve seen two fights since i,ve been here and both times caused by them.... :evil:

Yeah guess its the smart arse attitude of teens
and they probably think they are better than the locals.....fuelled with alchohol they just feel braver dont they?
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Re: English cypriot teenagers

Postby lysi » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:36 am

bigfatlondonboy wrote:just who do they think they are...every night these little buggers go down town and cause havocc..... :evil:

HEY FATSO, good to hear from you again.
What about those 4 BRITISH MEN who are charged with the MURDER of a teenage cypriot in ayia napa ?
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Re: English cypriot teenagers

Postby GG » Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:34 am

I think this is the behaviour of a portion of teens and not specific to English Cypriots. Unless the holiday feeling makes them a little fresher.

Theres lots of descrimination to both sides actually, the English Cypriots teens see the Greek Cypriot teens as backward villagers and the Greek Cypriots teens see the English Cypriot teens as wierdo foreigners.

As a British born Cypriot myself I must say there heva been many times where I feel like I am not welcome in neither place. :cry:

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Re: English cypriot teenagers

Postby bigfatlondonboy » Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:18 pm

first off retard this was a little thread about rowdy teenagers.why bring up the fact that a cypriot was killed in PROTARUS.......... also think about what lead to this tragedy,a englishman being beaten up by cypriots,but i suppose thats fine by you. yet again any excuse by you to have a go at the british.its a shame your still spouting your crap on here i thought you may have grown up me a favour and dont answer this because you really are,nt worth the time it took me to type this....

lysi wrote:
bigfatlondonboy wrote:just who do they think they are...every night these little buggers go down town and cause havocc..... :evil:

HEY FATSO, good to hear from you again.
What about those 4 BRITISH MEN who are charged with the MURDER of a teenage cypriot in ayia napa ?
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Re: English cypriot teenagers

Postby GG » Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:31 pm

When I was in Cyprus about 15 years ago i saw 10 guys beating the shit out of one guy who was on the floor. There were so many people kicking him that he couldnt even get up. Another group of very sensibly dressed males that were eating at a restaurant saw that the poor kid was being battered and they ran over to save him.

They got there and something was said and they walked back without doing anything, when i asked why they left the kid to die, their response was, "en tis anglias" and "charlies" as though the kid wasn't worth saving or that it must have been his own fault just because he was an English Cypriot. I was probably 14 at the time and I can never forget that kid screaming.
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Postby bigfatlondonboy » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:56 pm

it gets my goat as well all this charlie crap.english cypriots do get a raw deal in cyprus and it does confuse me as to why.surely a cypriot is a cypriot no matter where he/she comes from....
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Re: English cypriot teenagers

Postby lysi » Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:21 pm

bigfatlondonboy wrote:first off retard this was a little thread about rowdy teenagers.why bring up the fact that a cypriot was killed in PROTARUS.......... also think about what lead to this tragedy,a englishman being beaten up by cypriots,but i suppose thats fine by you. yet again any excuse by you to have a go at the british.its a shame your still spouting your crap on here i thought you may have grown up me a favour and dont answer this because you really are,nt worth the time it took me to type this....

lysi wrote:
bigfatlondonboy wrote:just who do they think they are...every night these little buggers go down town and cause havocc..... :evil:

HEY FATSO, good to hear from you again.
What about those 4 BRITISH MEN who are charged with the MURDER of a teenage cypriot in ayia napa ?

FATSO, if you dont like cypriot teenagers then piss off back to ENGLAND where the teenagers are nice & quite.
Also dont defend the SCUM that killed that cypriot teenager in ayia napa, he had nothing to do with the fight with the DRUNKEN BRITISH HOOLIGANS, the brits cant handle there drink. :allout:
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